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The Return Of The Living Dead

Jim Kirwan

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demonstration by ten million people worldwide before the war in Iraq began congress went on record, with very few exceptions, to confirm all out support for Israel and to dare the world to try and stop us from the unilateral invasion of Iraq.. The media did its part, as all other avenues of democracy were methodically disabled. There were no exceptions as congress ramped up Patriot Act Two and the Decider admitted to spying on all Americans since 2001. This was compounded by a thousand "presidential signing statements," just in case any of these bogus laws were actually challenged in court. With all that working for them, they still could not manage to even administer what they had so brutally stolen, to that point.

Everything was set, all the players had been confirmed, every fix had been keyed for total victory-so what happened? What happened was that cowardly George blew it again! The "Decider' couldn't defend his failures on any front, so he tried belligerence to bolster hypocrisy, yet still the entire course of the wars intensified-leaving this carefully staged play without a backdrop to shield the actions of the criminals from the truth of what they tried to do. The natives got restless and demanded change-a token thing really-but devastating nonetheless to thugs that have been 'caught' before in mega-conflicts of interest, in open support of death squads the world over, from East Timor to Iran-contra to the present day. But even this election could be "managed," or so they thought.

After all-Treason had been carefully packaged in a multitude of blood-stained flags and was firmly held in place by the deaths of so many that did not need to die. That veil of secrecy despite its threadbare fabric managed to remain in place. It even held despite the total destruction of Forward-Base Falcon on October 22, 2006. Imagine what this knowledge of so many deaths on the same day, would have done to the Decider and all his advisors-had this event become known, before the elections. Three hundred dead in one attack! "Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad." (1)

This carnage remains unclaimed, but still the aging leadership was handed a major defeat last Tuesday. Enter the remnants of the 'other party' the one that supposedly opposes the one in power. However since neither party actually has a platform anymore ­ governance having become something that is just made up as we go along ­ no one was quite prepared for what happened in the mid-term elections.

The Democrats have been dead and buried for at least the past twelve years, what we're seeing now is the disinterment of the dead - complete with rotting flesh and decaying burial wraps - these people long ago gave up even the pretense of integrity, any ethics or responsibility for anything except to cheer on their 'Decider.' The truth is that the joke is on the public for expecting these walking corpses to actually 'do anything' differently from what they did in the past - for which Pelosi is the perfect over-the-hill 'Barbie-doll' (made in Israel) and pretending to 'get tough,' with those recalcitrant strays from the so-called two-party political system.....

In this dilemma no one is what or whom they might seem to be - because like an image in a shattered mirror - no figure is complete ­ yet each appears to represent a single point of view ­ the secret is they never have: but the public has no clue at all to any of this political charade that underpins the lives of each and everyone of us!

The worms are turning in the rotten foundations of this society, because there is nothing left for the maggots to eat, so now they are beginning to wonder why the foundations are crumbling! Indeed, greed and avarice are racing through this 'Wasteland' that was once a nation-and the newly minted Don Quixote's cannot even decide which windmill to attack, as there are so many that were created in these last nearly six years of unchecked Treason.

Much has been made of whether or not there should be hearings that might lead to Impeachment, and yet there are a number of West Point graduates that are demanding Impeachment (2). What's so hard to envision: 'impeachment' is only the call to investigate an officer of the government for possible crimes, sedition or treason ­ and given all that has NEVER been officially questioned throughout the Bush II years, from spying on the public, to the Patriot Acts both one and two, to Katrina. What about reinstating the Writ of Habeus Corpus and Posse Comitatus? Will congress repeal Bush's 2007 Military Commissions Act? What about the scandals of Delay, Cunningham, and Jump-in Jack Abramoff ­ not to even mention all the direct and illegal links to Israeli polices that directly conflict with actual United States interests around the world? Not-to-mention what all this has done to US credibility in tandem with so many potential charges still outstanding for crimes against humanity? These things are all on the table because the previous congress asked NO Questions about any of this garbage! Nothing, Nada, Zip! For those interested there is a video that connects all of this tar-baby- enterprise back to the world's bankers and corporate super-stars that are determined to finally succeed in global domination (3).

And there's the Russo video that explains the intricacies and illegalities behind US tax policy that has enabled so much to be altered upon the backs of the working poor (4). Finally there is this:

"US Citizens to be required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA International Politics October 26, 2006 Forget no-fly lists. If Uncle Sam gets its way, beginning on Jan. 14, 2007, we'll all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us permission to leave-or re-enter-the United States.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (HSA) has proposed that all airlines, cruise lines-even fishing boats-be required to obtain clearance for each passenger they propose taking into or out of the United States. It doesn't matter if you have a U.S. Passport - a "travel document" that now, absent a court order to the contrary, gives you a virtually unqualified right to enter or leave the United States, any time you want.

When the DHS system comes into effect next January, if the agency says "no" to a clearance request, or doesn't answer the request at all, you won't be permitted to enter-or leave-the United States." (5)

This is some of what the walking dead from the formerly democratic party will need to deal with. In fact it's all part of the massively unfinished business of all of us-because we slept through the last six years like the slaves we're about to become if we remain silent during the last two years of treason, genocide, and national complicity in crimes against humanity, committed by our so-called government!

Like it or not, willingly or in opposition, we are all part of the historical record of all these crimes and all these corruptions of what was once our government-all that remains open to question is can the people get what's left of this government back into a position where people actually have a chance at survival?

1) American GI's Killed- Cover Up


3) Eustice Mullins

4) Freedom to Fascism - On DVD & Online