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Obama Ads Now Hitting Georgia, 100 Top Aides Sent There

Scott Wheeler

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An urgent message from our Newsmax Sponsor, The National Republican Trust PAC

The Democrats are ratcheting up their efforts to snatch the Georgian Senate race and give the Democrats the 60 votes they need for total control of the Senate.

Barack Obama, who is still afraid to show up in Georgia, is now airing radio, and soon, TV ads in the state.

Obama begs liberal Georgians to turn out on Dec. 2nd: "Please join me in supporting Jim Martin for the United States Senate, on Tuesday, Dec. 2. And head to the polls just one more time this year."

Obama's goal: Get out the African-American vote and hard-left Democratic voters.

We at the National Republican Trust PAC, also known as, can stop them in Georgia.

A Fox News analyst says Newsmax is the best organization in the U.S. fighting to keep Georgia free from Obama's control.

Democrats have been raising millions to defeat Republican Saxby Chambliss. Obama is even sending in his top 100 campaign operatives to Georgia.

These guys are masters at dirty tricks.

We can stop them, but we need to get out our vote.

We need to warn them about Obama's massive spend-and-tax plan, his plan to give 12 million illegal aliens citizenship, Social Security, Medicaid, college tuition — even driver's licenses.

He also has a radical plan for establishing more gun control, cutting military defense, and permitting partial birth abortion.

We have already pledged $500,000 in TV ads now hitting key markets in Georgia.

But we need to double that.

We need your donation today — Go Here Now.

The election is just days away. We are making ad buys through the Thanksgiving holiday.

Now is the time to act! Donate by Going Here Now.

Thank you.

Yours for America,

Scott Wheeler

Executive Director