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Rogue Israeli Mossad-British Intelligence Team Behind French Students Assassination Plus SpyGAte Update

Tom Heneghan

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Rogue Israeli Mossad-British

Intelligence Team

Behind French Students



SpyGate Update


by Tom Heneghan,0.jpg


Laurent Bonomo, left, and Gabriel Ferez, right, students who were

two French Intelligence officers, were brutally stabbed to death

in a London flat that was then set on fire  Photo: AP,0.jpg  

It can now be reported that the murders of two French bio-chemical students, Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez, were carried out by Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" rogue Israeli Mossad-British Intelligence assassination teams.

Both French students, Bonomo and Ferez, were studying at the prestigious London Imperial College researching the origins of bird flu and the link to the alleged vaccines.

BANBURY, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 04: Men in protective body suits enter a chicken shed on a farm that has seen an outbreak of the H7 strain of bird flu, near Banbury on June 4 2008 in Oxfordshire, England . The strain of avian flu virus was found yesterday in laying hens, and all birds on the farm have been ordered to be destroyed. The H7 strain has been found in Britain on several occasions before, but this is the first time it has been identified in the highly pathogenic, or deadly, form. Getty Images

Getty Images

The murders of the two students was first released by France's Directorate for Internal Security, not by Britain's Scotland Yard, making it almost a certainty that the two students were French Intelligence officers.

Reference: A joint French-U.S. Intelligence anti-terrorist task force in Paris, France, headed by former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former head of French Intelligence Jean Crouté, for years have monitored the activity of the out-of-control Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" mercenary armies.

The patriotic American-French team has prevented various scripted terrorist attacks, i.e. false flags, on both the United States and Europe, with the planning of the attacks actually originating inside the compromised intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel and Germany.

Note: French Intelligence warned both British Intelligence MI5 and British Scotland Yard about the presence of the now wanted UK 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki, i.e. Teleki's presence in the United Kingdom two weeks before the subway attack.  (Teleki was Hillary Clinton's confidant while she was White House First Lady, visiting Hillary in the White House on numerous occasions).

The warnings were ignored by the Tony Blair government, British Intelligence Services and Scotland Yard.


Mossad Motto

'By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War'

Reference: It is also important to remember that the outlaw Bush Administration ignored the French Intelligence warning of the impending 9/11 BLACK OP attack on the United States, i.e. the French intercepting the MOSSAD-United Arab Emirates cable containing the 9/11 command and control attack order "The time is now the match is hot".

The origin of the cable was overheard in the old province of the Soviet Union called Uzbekistan.

A U.S. Intelligence officer by the name of Steven Chaplin was linked to the cable and the attack order.

Note: Chaplin was later arrested along with alleged 9/11 co-conspirator Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but was later released by the Bush Justice Department BEFORE the FBI could interrogate him.  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was eventually taken to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The question remains: Was Chaplin the REAL triggerman and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, like Osama bin Laden, i.e. CIA asset Tim Osman, nothing but a patsy.

Item: Bush Administration official Steven Cambone was aware of this 9/11 TREASON involving Steven Chaplin on the day of 9/11 itself.


Steven Cambone and Donald Rumsfeld

Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate co-conspirators


Cambone worked directly with then U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.  In the notes of Steven Cambone, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is quoted as saying in response to 9/11 "go massive sweep it all, things related and not".


Steven Cambone's notes from meetings with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the afternoon of 9/11/01;

obtained under the Freedom of Information Act

Reference: U.S. Intelligence Officer Steven Cambone had DIRECT ties to the Office of Special Plans, i.e. the Iraq War Group.  This included Vice pResident Dick Cheney, Bush-Clinton whore Mary Matalin and the two Israeli MOSSAD assets Paul Wolfowitz and Michael Ledeen.

What is clear now is that the 9/11 BLACK OP was an inside job and was a pretense for what was to become the ILLEGAL UN-constitutional war in Iraq ordered by the UN-elected, sexual deviate, the AWOL White House resident commonly known as Bushfraud.





The question is now out there for the asking: Did Rumsfeld want to sweep away Steven Chaplin who clearly knew too much about 9/11 on the day of 9/11 itself.


The two French students, i.e. Intelligence Officers, had discovered that the alleged bird flu vaccine, H-7, which was designed to neutralize and stop the H5N1 avian flu virus, had been spliced using DNA to actually create a vaccine and a virus at the same time.

Dual ISRAELI-U.S. citizen

MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Dr. Zack

USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, Maryland is a

major US biodefense research faciity 

The French students had also discovered that the bird flu vaccine, i.e. a virus, had links to both U.S., British and Israeli laboratories with the noted post 9/11 anthrax MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie as a subject of interest.

Israeli ZIONIST, microbiologist Zackerie, known as Dr. Zack, not only worked for the U.S. bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was photographed handling the stain of anthrax used in the post 9/11 attack, but was a consultant at the Boulder, Colorado FBI Division 5 linked company Gilead Sciences Inc.

Gilead Sciences of Boulder, Colorado has been linked to the 9/11 anthrax strain and to the bird flu vaccine.

And, if that is not bad enough folks, listen to this.

Almost 50% of the Gilead Sciences Inc. stock is owned by former U.S. Secretary of Defense and 9/11 co-conspirator Donald Rumsfeld, former British Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile Tony Blair, Cindy McCain, wife of presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, and none other than FBI Division 5 William Morris Agency and NBC anchor face, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge Tom Brokaw.

Brokaw has replaced the late Tim Russert as host of NBC's alleged interview show "Meet the Press".

Retired Republican Senator William Frist of Tennessee has major investments in the bird flu vaccine, i.e. virus.

British Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile

Tony Blair ordered the ASSASSINATION of

patriot weapons expert Dr. David Kelly

 Reference: The British weapons expert Dr. David Kelly was assassinated on the orders of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, after Dr. Kelly became aware of the corruption of the British laboratories and the existence of the classified WD199 document that connected the dots on Blair and Bush's criminal conspiracy that would use 9/11 as the excuse to take the United States and the United Kingdom into the ILLEGAL war in Iraq based on a lie.

Now back to our French students.

These French Intelligence officers, who worked for both Colin Powell and Jean Crouté, were about to expose a plot by the Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" intelligence rogues to use the H-7 flu vaccine, i.e. virus, as a way to poison the American People and create a flu pandemic, which would lead to a national emergency and give the outlaw Bush Administration an excuse to declare MARTIAL LAW and exercise emergency control over the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve.

This financial control would allow the outlaw Bush Administration the ability to block the G-7 ordered implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which are designed to return BILLIONS OF DOLLARS back to the U.S., French and Chinese Treasuries.

The two French students, who had their apartment broken into one week before their brutal assassination, also had their lap top computer stolen and their apartment fire bombed.

The operation has been traced to a team of ten (10) Israeli MOSSAD and British MI5 agents.

The individual currently under arrest in the United Kingdom is a witness to the murders whose life is in jeopardy at this time given he has been taken into custody by the Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" compromised Scotland Yard.

How dare you, you conspiratorial

tyrants and kings and notable queens!

The two French students, along with former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former head of French Intelligence Jean Crouté, were also in possession of a SECRET U.S. government "Death List", which targets various outspoken political opponents of the American ruling junta.

It is conceivable that these outspoken political opponents would become recipients of the bird flu vaccine aka virus after their incarceration at various concentration camps under MARTIAL LAW conditions.

These concentration camps are SECRETLY headquartered in Yuma, Arizona.

Former Republican Senator William Frist of Tennessee was given a copy of this "Death List".

P. S. The assassination of the French Intelligence Officers happened to coincide just after the recent meetings that took place in Northern Ireland between White House resident George W. Bushfraud, daddy Bush's little bitch Bill Clinton and current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The image   The image

Left photo: Bushfraud (r) is greeted by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in Northern Ireland , June 16, 2008.  (Reuters)

Right photo: French President Nicolas Sarkozy (r) is escorted up the red carpeted stairs of his plane by bodyguards as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is surrounded by his security on the tarmac at Sarkozy's leaving ceremony near Tel Aviv on June 24, 2008  (AFP/Getty)

 The two murders also coincide with the recent assassination attempt in Israel targeting French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

It should be noted that the alleged suicide victim, who allegedly shot himself during the departure of Sarkozy from the Tel Aviv airport was an Arab patsy-to-be before the assassination attempt was foiled.

Sarkozy was also aware of the bird flu TREASON and the plans to use it against France as well as the Israeli MOSSAD hacking of French INTERPOL internet portals using the American NSA and a headquarters in Amsterdam, Holland.

The NSA-MOSSAD spy nest in Amsterdam has also been used to disrupt and hack all U.S. computers and email communications originating in the United States.

So, in other words folks, if you are a patriotic whistleblower receiving communications from overseas sources about internal government-sponsored terrorist activities on your own soil, i.e. U.S. soil, YOU, the patriotic whistleblower, are subjected to being spied on by your own government, i.e. the REAL terrorists.

The image

click here to view larger image:

P.P.S. As of this hour, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker's order, that voids the entire Bushfraud spy program against the American People, REMAINS IN EFFECT!

So what are the whores in the U.S. Congress going to do now?

Violate the Judge's order or rewrite a new law!

Remember, immunity for Verizon, AT&T, Bell South and the rest of the telecom companies is also immunity for Israeli Odigo, a communications firm that also participated in the ILLEGAL NSA spy program against the American People.

Verizon received a major merger deal from the outlaw Bush Administration in exchange for their cooperation in the ILLEGAL spy program, i.e. TREASON.

It is important to note that CBS Viacom is obstructing justice in their financial war versus Google knowing that CBS Viacom, with the help of the NSA, has also participated in spying on the American People and the internet company Google.

Item: The corporate U.S. media, which favors spying on the American People, is directly involved in the spying, i.e. their 10-second delay with the NSA and their corporate military contracts, which financially benefit them, i.e. an alleged war on terror.   The image  

Remember, there is NO war on terror.  It was created to:

- Financially block the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds,

- Legitimize Bush's presidency after he stole the election from duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.,

- Enable the theft of the U.S. Treasury utilizing private offshore 1241 corporations tied to foreign intelligence agencies and foreign financial interests, and

- Eventually destroy the Constitution of the United States and all of the freedoms that the American People cherish.

Call your Senator Monday at (202) 224-3121 and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois and tell them all to vote NO on the spy bill.

If they vote yes they have committed a federal crime called a "Misprision of Felony", at which point the American People will have no choice but to use whatever measures necessary to return the United States to a constitutional rule of law.

One quick political whore alert before we end this briefing:

KHAZARIAN Jew and unelectable LOSER Hillary lesbian in-the-closet Rodenhurst Clinton stooge Wolf Blitzer of CNN, (202) 898-7900, was at it again today smearing duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. about his statement years ago, i.e. inventing the internet.

Let's set the record straight once and for all Blitzer, and then shut up!

Al Gore, then Democratic Congressman of Tennessee, and Democratic Congressman Tom Downey of New York, sponsored the legislation that gave us the internet access and the REAL freedom of the press we have today.

In the year 2000 Albert Gore Jr., not only defeated Bush but also the two Clintons and the entire KHAZARIAN Jew oil-soaked, sexual deviate-laced corporate propaganda American media.

Message to Blitzer: Instead of worrying about nitpiking politicians, do your job!

Research the TREASONOUS theft of the year 2000 presidential election; research the TREASONOUS events surrounding 9/11; research the war in Iraq based on a lie; research the massive obstruction of justice committed by the outlaw Bush Administration, i.e. numerous U.S. Attorneys fired ILLEGALY by the Bush-Cheney-Rove junta;

Blitzer, research the massive theft of the U.S. Treasury committed by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family, i.e. the ILLEGAL money laundering of U.S. Taxpayer funds aka the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols;

Lafayette rallying the troops at Brandywine

during the American Revolutionary War

and finally Blitzer, whoever invented the internet at this time is a mute point as soon duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. and millions of other Americans are going to invent the U.S. version of the guillotine for TRAITORS and TREASON.

Rumors have it there is a Federal Express on the way to CNN.

By the way CNN, we know about your Japanese Yen derivatives.

In closing, if Blitzer wants to do the research all he has to do is read these intelligence briefings.  Don't hold your breath, Blitzer is too busy with his Japanese Yen derivatives.

. . .

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the apparatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue breakaway entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best's rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police—an entity of the U.S. government." 

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.