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Obama’s National Security Group Teaming With Globalists (with videos)

Jones Report

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As the Real News Network enumerates, Obama’s recently-announced ‘Senior Working Group on National Security‘ is little more than a consortium of top globalists, secret society members, former Clinton & Bush officials and war-engineers at large.

It was revealed yesterday that Obama may retain Defense Secretary Robert Gates if he gains the presidency. Gates co-wrote the CFR report ‘Iran: Time for a New Approach’ with Zbigniew Brzezinski, already an Obama adviser. Gates also attended the most recent Bilderberg meeting just outside Washington D.C.

he report also names a number of former Clinton officials– including two former Secretaries of State, two Secretaries of Defense and two members of the 9/11 Commission– who are members of the ‘continuing government’ bureaucracy at large. Those who brought you Bosnia would likely bring you Iran.

Former US national security adviser Anthony Lake today called Iran’s potential to hold a nuclear-arm ‘the most dangerous crisis’ and indicated that Obama would go along with harsh Iran sanctions.

Lake also tamed hopes that Obama would bring home troops, citing the need for “a residual presence” in Iraq as he told the Financial Times the Vietnam withdrawal was ‘traumatic.’

Another member of Obama’s National Security Group has long advocated re-routing a ‘unilateral pre-emptive war’ into a coalition-supported ‘preventive war.’ Former Deputy National Security Advisor James Steinberg wrote in a white-paper titled ‘Preventive War, A Useful Tool,’ that “Unilateralism is not the only alternative… regional organizations and a new coalition of democratic states offer ways to legitimize the use of force when the council fails to meet its responsibilities.”

Steinberg doesn’t see Bush’s unilateral war with Iraq as a mistake; it’s just one example of what may come: “One problem with the Bush doctrine, then, is not that it is overly reliant on preventive force but that it too narrowly conceives of its use.”

James Steinberg, currently a Dean at the University of Texas and has been involved in the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institute, RAND Corp. and the Bilderberg group.

Two former Clinton Secretaries of State, Warren Christopher and Madeline Albright, who was spotted at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting, would apparently also advise Obama. Albright has received criticism and since apologized for commenting in 1996 that “the price” of half a million dead Iraqi children as a result of Iraq sanctions “is worth it.”

Others on Obama’s Senior Working Group on National Security include:

- William Perry, former Secretary of Defense in Clinton’s second term. — coercive diplomacy–

- 9/11 Commission co-chairman Lee Hamilton; also a member of the equally ineffective Iraq Study Group.

- Senator David Boren, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

- Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig

- Representative Tim Roemer, 9/11 Commissioner

- Greg Craig, former director of the State Department Office of Policy Planning

- Dr. Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor

- Eric Holder, former Deputy Attorney General, who served in the Reagan and Clinton administrations.

- Former Senator Sam Nunn, who previously headed the Senate Armed Services Committee and who chaired the The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a public charity founded in 2001, alongside Ted Turner. It deals with the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

- Susan Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State and member of the CFR and Brookings Institute.

While this group at large has promoted the idea of diplomacy with Iran, we have already seen Obama’s duplicity with foreign policy, as well as his willingness to cooperate with the foreign policy agenda of Israel– making him, likely, little different (in effect) from any other candidate.

As the Real News Network puts it, is this change we can believe in? Obviously not.