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Letter To Senator Barack Obama

Don Hynes

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----- Original Message -----
From: Don Hynes
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 5:39 PM
Subject: Letter to Senator Barack Obama

Dear Senator Obama,

I have been a supporter of yours for some time and have actively encouraged your candidacy in my political commentary at

I understand your several nuanced positions regarding major issues with the broad and often polarized American voting populace.

However, I take strong issue with your statement today which linked various “left leaning Vietnam era political dissidents” with later failing returning veterans.

This is a common myth among our media, Congress and uninformed population. I worked on the side of social and political justice for many years and for years with Vietnam veterans during the 80's and 90's. There were several large public events during that time, particularly anti-war events prior to and during Gulf War I, that sought to honor veterans of the Vietnam era.

I worked with those who suffered emotional and mental burdens from that horrendous war. They are upstanding and stalwart citizens and the wounds they carry are buried and deep. The VA was particularly inept and grossly underfunded in helping these men AND women as the VA remains today.

I found your comment to be a slander and one that reinforces a polarizing untruth. The Vietnam veterans were ignored I contend because America was and is ashamed of them. Americans remain supportive of today's Iraq service men and women largely because they are in the dark concerning the realities of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Where much is given much is expected Senator Obama, and I expect more of you.

With best regards,

Don Hynes