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Not Sure There Is A Real McCain

Don Hynes

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From: Don Hynes
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: Not sure there is a real mccain

The US Presscorps and the American public are giving McCain the same free pass they gave the Great Pretender 1980. No hard questions, no peeks behind the screen, just pass the jelly beans.

Analyzing McCain for what he is or might be versus his photographically shallow image is becoming another third rail of Media anointed Taboo: let he/she who touches the Idol beware the horrified wrath of Talking Heads.

This did us a lot of good in 2000 when we almost elected a brat who couldn't get to first base on an intentional walk.

Here's a McCain sampler for those yet resisting the Kool Aid:


McCain as POW,schanberg,64705,6.html


Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured


John McCain's Navy Flight Instructor Weighs In


John McCain: War Hero or North Vietnam's Go-To Collaborator?


McCain Calls D.C. 'City Of Satan'


McCain and Iseman