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No More Betrayals: Let's Replace the Bush Democrats

Bob Fertik

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No More Betrayals: Let's Replace the Bush Democrats

On Thursday and Friday, the American people were betrayed twice by House "Democratic" Leader Steny Hoyer (right) and his Bush Democrats.

On Thursday, 80 Bush Democrats voted to give George Bush another $163 billion to occupy Iraq and plunder its oil for another year, even though 68% of Americans want to bring our troops safely home this year.

And on Friday, 105 Bush Democrats voted to give immunity to George Bush and the telecoms for illegally wiretapping American citizens even before 9/11, and to allow Bush and the telecoms to keep doing it - thereby shredding the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it any more. So let's take the Democratic Party back from Steny Hoyer and the Bush Democrats.

With your support, we will replace each one with an "Aggressive Progressive" Democrat who will bring our troops home from Iraq and fulfill their solemn oaths to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

And we're starting today with John Barrow (GA12), who betrayed us on both votes. Watch Barrow pledge his complete devotion to George Bush during Friday's warrantless wiretapping debate.

Georgia's primaries are on July 15 - just 3 weeks away. And Barrow is facing a dramatic primary challenge from State Senator Regina Thomas.

Thomas doesn't just look different, she thinks different. She wants to bring our troops safely home from Iraq immediately. And here's what she told me on Friday:

"I was really appalled at the actions of Congress and especially my Congressman from the 12th District in Georgia, John Barrow, for voting in favor of the Bush-Republican surveillance bill that would make it very easy, without a warrant, to wiretap any American citizen."

On Friday, Regina Thomas became our first endorsed candidate of 2008. And that was not just because she's an "Aggressive Progressive," but also because she can win.

In Georgia's Democratic Presidential primary on February 5, 70% of the voters in GA12 were African-American. Thomas isn't running on her race, though, but rather her record of accomplishment over 12 years in the state legislature. This has Barrow running for his political life by avoiding every chance to debate Thomas because he simply cannot compete with a real Democrat.

In a few hours, our endorsement raised over $1,176 from 31 donors. Today we'd like to raise $10,000 by encouraging 1,000 of our 500,000 subscribers to contribute $10 each directly to Regina Thomas's campaign.

Can you help?

In 2005-6, we raised nearly $80,000 for pro-impeachment House candidates through ImpeachPAC (and helped elect Keith Ellison in MN05), so I know what we're capable of.

Let's send a message to Steny Hoyer and his Bush Democrats: that the Democratic Party belongs to us, not to George Bush. And starting today we're taking it back.

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik