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The Dark Family History of John F. Kerry

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ter coming form Ellis Island in l905, in 5 short years he established himself in Chicage business and moved to Brookline, Massachusetts, the home of the Kennedy clan who Kerry is busy aping (JFK). He strangely committed suicide, supposedly broke, at an early age, and yet his wife and family continued to prosper...Kerry says through inheritance.

Ostensibly, his grandfather or grandmother did not come from any money lineage, so I wonder what inheritance he's talking about.

Kerry''s father was a "foreign service officer," who also went to Yale (and Harvard) and married into the blueblood family. He was a lawyer but is mostly listed as a "foreign officer" and government employee. I wondered how a lowly government worker could be so connected. Then I discovered that he had been legal adviser to James B. Conant.

Conant's fame is legendary. He was on the Manhattan Project, chief scientific advisor to the White House, ambassador to Germany, and part of the Century Group that advocated a militaristic New World Order philosophy for the U.S. (Think PNAC, although I haven't gotten direct connections.)

I suspect that Kerry's father was an intelligence agent, certainly with top intelligence clearance. Not much is written about him and the way he is written about seems downplayed, given his connection to Conant. Nothing on that.

Kerry went to Yale, like his father, certainly was Skull and Bones (a breeding hotbed for future CIA operatives), went into the Navy and became an anti-war advocate that sort of took over a grassroots group as do many insiders trying to play both sides of the field...

Interestingly, Kerry spent a lot of time abroad when he was younger because of his father's foreign service, met and made friends with General Pershing's son who became Yale, Skull and Bones. (He died in Viet Nam.) Interestingly, General Pershing was part of the Conant Century Group. Kerry's father was also U.S. attorney for Berlin.

Of course, both Bush and Kerry are Skull and Bones. To understand the presidential face off, it is necessary to understand the philosophy and historical landscape of this secret society that is rooted in Germany and a Hegelian philosophy of creating and controlling both sides of conflict to engineer a predetermined outcome. New World Order.

I offer you this info that is not commonly known. I also highly recommend any books by Antony C. Sutton on Skull and Bones, the federal reserve, why American funded the German war machine in World War II. It provides incredibly important material to understand what is going on today.


The immigration records showed that Frederick Kerry arrived in the United States in 1905, and the naturalization records showed that he was born in the town formerly known as Bennisch, in the Austrian empire, which today is Horni Benesov in the Czech Republic.

FELIX GUNDACKER, director of the Institute for Historical Family Research in Vienna, was hired by the Globe to examine the Austrian records, which he translated from the original German. He found that birth records for Bennisch include a notation for a person named Fritz Kohn.

The birth record says: "In the year 1873, on May 10th, was born Fritz Kohn, a legal son of Benedikt Kohn, master brewer in Bennisch, House 224, and his wife, Mathilde, daughter of Jakob Frankel, royal dealer in Oberlogau in Prussia." The record has a notation that Fritz Kohn changed his name to Frederick Kerry on March 17, 1902. That record does not mention a baptism. But the family says Frederick Kerry was a Catholic, and he is buried at a Catholic cemetery in Brookline.

Frederick Kerry's 1921 death certificate in Boston lists his parents as Benedict Kerry of Austria and Mitaldia Franckel of Austria, the same parents as listed in Fritz Kohn's birth record, although the father is called Kohn in Austria.

The story of Richard Kerry''s rise is one of overcoming obstacles. Born in 1915 in Brookline, Massachusetts -- the same Boston suburb where John F. Kennedy was born two years later -- Richard Kerry was a handsome, erudite boy, always fighting against the odds. His father, Fredrick A. Kerry, was actually a Czech Jew named Fritz Kohn who had fled the aggressive Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1905, brutalized by anti-Semitism. Three years before his arrival in America he married Ida Lowe, a beautiful Jewish musician from Budapest. According to the Boston Globe, the young couple simply studied a map of Europe, found County Kerry in Ireland, and chose it as their last name. Baptized as Catholics, they moved to Chicago with their young son Eric, where Fredrick (or Fred as he was called)earned a living as a business manager. Eventually they moved to Brookline, known as the "town of millionaires" in the early 1900s, had two additional children, Richard and Mildred, and earned a reputation as good neighbors. The local newspaper deemed Fredrick"a prominent man in the shoe business"; his shop was located at 487 Boylston Street in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston. He seldom missed attending Catholic church services on Sunday. (He kept it secret that he was of Jewish descent.) With a two-story, Arts and Crafts-style house in Brookline -- designed by John C. Spofford -- located at 10 Downing Road, a black Cadillac parked in front and three healthy children running happily about, it seemed, to the outside world, that the Kerry family exemplified the American dream.That notion was brutally dispelled on November 23, 1921, when a depressed Fred Kerry, wandered into the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, walked into the men's room, and shot himself in the head.


The elder Kerry was born in Brookline. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps, where he served as a pilot until he had to retire because of tuberculosis.

He began his law career in 1945 and eventually became an assistant district attorney for the southeastern district of Massachusetts. In 1949, Kerry moved to Washington, D.C., to work in the office of the General Counsel for the Navy Department. He joined the State Department two years later, where he served in the Bureau of United Nations Affairs and the Office of Legal Advisor.

He was a legal advisor to the U.S. High Commissioner of Germany, James B. Conant, as well as U.S. Attorney for Berlin.

He joined the Foreign Service in 1956 and was assigned as executive assistant to Sen. Walter F. George, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He taught at the NATO Defense College in Paris in 1958 before being named Chief of the Political Section of the American Embassy there.

When he returned to the United States, he moved to Groton and resumed his legal career. In 1990, he published "The Star-Spangled Mirror," an analysis of American political culture and foreign policy that reflected his experiences abroad.
