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Schiff’s Impeachment Just Paid Trump’s Bills – Adam Is Giving Donald Record Fundraising And 100,000 Volunteers

Adam Casalino

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November 18, 2019


Adam’s plan backfired – Trump is using impeachment to build a firewall!

We said it from the very start, but Democrats just didn’t listen. And now, we see Schiff’s impeachment push is doing exactly what we predicted: helping Trump get re-elected.

The truth is, Democrats might vote to impeach Trump. There are enough Democrats in the House who will pass articles of impeachment.

The vote will most-likely fall along party lines. It will prove this entire impeachment was a partisan farce. An insult to our Constitution and founding fathers.

But the reality is, every last Democrat pushing impeachment is dooming their party. They are going to buy themselves come 2020.

How, you might ask? Well, Trump just showed them how.

From Western Journal:

Democrats who thought an impeachment process against President Donald Trump was the best way to weaken him in a re-election race just got a good reason to rethink their strategy.

Actually, they’ve got 3.1 million reasons to rethink the plan, and every one of them is in the form of a dollar contributed to the Trump re-election campaign on Wednesday.

Woah. In just the first day of the public hearings, Trump’s campaign brought in a staggering $3 million.

That’s on top of the millions he’s been raking in since Pelosi announced her foolish impeachment push back in September.

But that’s just for starters. Thanks to the left’s unjust attempt to impeach Trump, he’s getting an army.

From Western Journal:

“We’ve had 100,000 more volunteers. Donors are coming out of the woodwork. We’re raising record amounts of money,” [Trump 2020 director of strategic communications Marc Lotter] said. “It is galvanizing people and even people in the middle who are seeing the Democrats are just consumed with impeachment.

Now that’s something to talk about! Raising cash is one thing, but getting 100,000 people to donate their time and energy? That’s something else.

These volunteers will be critical in getting support for President Trump. They will aid the campaign in reaching voters across the country.

There are plenty of Americans who want to vote but need a bit of assistance. Also, there are people who want to vote but aren’t being reached by conventional means.

These volunteers will reach them and make sure they cast their ballots.

Not to mention put in extra hours of work so that rallies and other materials get into the hands of voters!

All this is happening, because of Pelosi and Schiff’s impeachment scheme. Americans are outraged that a party will go to such depths to slime an innocent man.

All we can is say, keep up it Democrats!