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Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks California Law Targeting Trump


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A federal judge has temporarily blocked a California law that required candidates for governor or president to file copies of their tax return in order to appear on the ballot.

The law was seen as directly targeted at President Trump.

According to CBS News:

A U.S. judge has temporarily blocked a California law aimed at forcing President Trump to release his personal income tax returns in order to appear on the 2020 primary ballot. U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. issued a written opinion Tuesday saying the law likely violates the U.S. Constitution.

Fox News reports:

In his 24-page decision, England Jr. said the law violates Trump's First Amendment right of associating with voters who share his political beliefs. He also noted the California Legislature is controlled by Democrats, who passed a law targeting a Republican president.

"The dangerous precedent set by this act, allowing the controlling party in any state's legislature to add substantive requirements as a precondition to qualifying for the state's presidential primary ballot, should concern all candidates alike," the judge wrote.

Trump attorney Jay Sekulow praised the ruling in an interview on "Hannity," saying the law reflected "an ongoing pattern and practice of trying to basically shred the Constitution." England Jr.’s ruling affirmed that it was outside the state’s authority to set qualifications for running for president. That power belongs to the Constitution.

California will appeal the ruling citing a need for candidates to be more transparent with their finances.