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Obama's top U.N. official part of 'hate Trump' campaign


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Newly uncovered documents show that Samantha Power, ambassador to the United Nations under Barack Obama, while submitting 260 unmasking requests seeking surveillance information about the incoming president and his campaign, was simultaneously engaged in “a move to undermine the incoming administration.”

“Let that sink in,” commented the American Center for Law and Justice, which sued to obtain records about Powers’ activities.

“She consoled others over the election results, blatantly insulted the president-elect, colluded with the mainstream media, and actively sought out ways to undermine the new administration before it had even begun,” ACLJ said.

The organization said Wednesday that over the last two years, “we’ve all seen the reports of the unprecedented unmasking of U.S. citizens by senior Obama official, Ambassador Samantha Power, in the final days of the administration – to the tune of more than one a day.”

Power and others were trying to identify Trump campaign team whose communications were inadvertently intercepted in the Obama administration’s surveillance of foreign subjects.

“What the media has not reported, but the ACLJ has since discovered through one of our FOIA lawsuits, is that the clear political – and personal – bias of Power against the incoming president and the conservative agenda led her to undertake efforts aimed at undercutting support for the new administration,” ACLJ said.

“This information is revealed in documents we received as a result of our lawsuit against the State Department and the NSA concerning the unmasking attempts of Power and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice. While the agencies have heavily resisted producing responsive documents, the limited documents produced by the State Department thus far paint a grim picture of the attitude and actions of Obama-era officials in the final days of that administration.”

ACLJ said the evidence it obtained “shows email chains to and between Power and her counselor, Nikolaus Steinberg, just three days after the election in which Power actively discusses an ‘idea to seek maximum amplif[ication]’ of her politically biased messaging.”

“Steinberg first raised the idea of ‘a useful (and somewhat cathartic) vessel to Channel some post-Trump messages about who we are.’ Minutes later Power responds, ‘Need to move out on 60 mins idea to seek maximum amplif. [sic] I can write Charlie or bill Owens if he’s still there,'” ACLJ said.

“After a brief discussion ensued over who would reach out, later that evening, Steinberg sent Power a ‘Draft pitch email’ for her to send to 60 Minutes, yet that draft is completely redacted. Subsequently, he suggested doing the pitch to 60 Minutes or CBS Sunday Morning on the issue of refugees, stating, ‘with the hook being the foreshadowing that Trump and company may try to undo all of this.’ Minutes later, Power sent an email to Bill Owens, the Executive Editor of 60 Minutes: ‘We’re still reeling here, as you might imagine. My mission to the UN is a cabinet agency under President Obama, but will be demoted to something very different in January. Notwithstanding this, Tuesday’s results have given us an even greater sense of urgency to get our work done in our last few months. 70 good long days left!”

The documentation shows, ACLJ said, the Obama administration “was fully engaged in attempts to do whatever they could to undermine the conservative agenda and the will of the American voters.”

“But it was far worse than we thought,” the organization said.

In fact, Power pitched the idea of laying a public foundation to a program to undermine Trump.

“I am not sure exactly what I am pitching, but it seems there could be something interesting to show through USUN about this waning multilateral moment for the US, how we use these last two months, what we are trying to defend, how we are consoling other countries, etc,” she wrote. “I wondered if there could be something in this that would hit home for viewers, even or perhaps especially those who support Trump. Let me know if you would like to brainstorm.”

Owens then agreed to “help pitch the piece,” ACLJ said.

Power then received an email with an article about Trump’s plan to quit a “global climate deal.” She sent it to Jonathan Finer in the State Department with a note: “Lord help us all. How are you holding up?”

ACLJ said “one of the more disturbing emails” was from Steinberg to Power with an article undermining the legitimacy of the 2016 election.

She also raised complaints in a email through an article headlined “Donald Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already making waves at the U.N.”

Power complained about Trump’s opposition to a U.N. proposal that Israel be sized down to its 1967 borders.

ACLJ explained it earlier had expressed concern “the Obama administration was intentionally attempting to undermine the state of Israel through a cowardly act at the U.N. Now we know, they were at the same time displaying their utter disdain for the incoming president.”

Many contemporaneous emails were totally redacted, ACLJ said, stating it will challenge the decision to black out large sections of the documentation.

“What is the Deep State hiding?” ACLJ wondered. “The American people deserve to know the truth.”


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