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Wisconsin Lawmaker Issues RED ALERT To Trump Fans, What Hillary Is Doing Is AWFUL

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Dec. 5, 201`6

Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson to talk about the recount efforts in Wisconsin.

According to Duffy, the Democrats and the Green Party are trying to stall the recount in Dane County where they are holding a hand recount. The recount does not look like it’s going to be completed by the deadline, December 20th, and that will force the state to forfeit its electoral votes.

This was the liberals’ plan all along—they were well aware they would be unable to make up 20,000 votes, so they decided to stall so the state would be unable to declare its vote for the president.

Meaning, Wisconsin, which voted for and was won by Donald Trump fairly, might have to forfeit. The votes have to be counted within the first 35 days after the election. And the Democrats knew this, of course.

Jill Stein waited until there was only 90 minutes left before Wisconsin’s deadline for filing the recount petition. This was a trap all along by the Democrats, and this is why many people refuse to trust them—they’re always planning something.

All of the votes have to be certified by December 13th, and the electors meet on December 19th to cast their votes. It looks like Wisconsin is sure to miss that deadline now because of the schemes of the Democrats.

The last recount took more than a month to complete, and that was for a state Supreme Court contest where only a small number of votes were cast, 1.5 million. If they miss their deadline on the 19th, then those electoral votes may not even be able to be counted. And frankly, that is a disgusting ploy from the Democrats. Shouldn’t someone be realizing this is happening and put a stop to it?

We cannot let this happen. I think even if the recount is not completed, the previous answer should be counted instead of no answer at all. The first ruling showed Donald Trump as the winner, so that should be counted.

They will not be successful in removing Donald Trump from the seat of the president-elect because he was elected by the American people to succeed Obama. We did not want another Democrat in office continuing to ruin this country.

If anything, the actions of the Democrats prove they are not fit to lead. Our nation’s leaders should not be attempting shady acts to steal a win for their candidate. This is another example of why career politicians are untrustworthy and why the swamp needs to be drained.

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