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David M. Jackson

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November 10, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "USA Today" - After a stunning win that upended the American political landscape, President-elect Donald Trump and his top advisers now must put together a White House staff and Cabinet — a group that may well include some of those same advisers.

Here are a few possibilities for some of the most powerful roles in a new Trump administration:

Rudy Giuliani

The ex-New York City mayor became one of Trump's highest-profile surrogates. The former prosecutor could now be in line for attorney general.

Newt Gingrich

The ex-House speaker became a top adviser and television spokesperson for Trump during the campaign and was even among the real estate mogul's finalists for running mate. He is said to be interested in becoming secretary of State.

Bob Corker

The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee could also be a possibility to lead the State Department.

Ben Carson

A onetime Trump rival, Carson emerged as one of Trump's most steadfast surrogates. The renowned physician would be an obvious candidate to be surgeon general.

Mike Flynn

The retired general emerged as Trump's most visible military adviser. He could be in line for Defense secretary or some other national security position.

Jeff Sessions

During the primary campaign, Sessions became the first sitting member of the U.S. Senate to endorse Trump's campaign. Now, the Alabama senator could be another possibility to lead the Pentagon.

Reince Priebus

The chairman of the Republican National Committee — which ran the Trump campaign's get-out-the-vote operation — could wind up as Trump's White House chief of staff.

Steve Mnuchin 

Trump's finance chairman, formerly of Goldman Sachs, is in line to possibly become Treasury secretary.

Chris Christie

Though shadowed by the recent Bridgegate trial, the New Jersey governor has been a fixture at Trump's side since endorsing him in February and will likely have his eye on a spot in the new administration at the Justice Department or in the White House.

Steve Bannon

The Breitbart News executive became Trump's campaign CEO in August. He could be in line for a spot as a White House adviser.

Mike Pence

While his job is already known — vice president — the Indiana governor and former congressman is expected to play a large role in the Trump administration as a partner to the  new president, who lacks any experience serving in government.