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Adelson boosts Trump with $25 million to defeat Clinton

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NOv. 3, 2016


Adelson boosts Trump with $25 million to defeat Clinton

4 Votes


After FBI letter, casino magnate apparently hopeful GOP nominee can win White House, may donate more in campaign’s final days

ed note–all can rest assured that within those wikileaks emails, there are some involving Adelson, and given the fact that he has already been under criminal investigation by the FBI for his business dealings in Macao and in particular his having violated US law with regards to bribing politicians in that country, what this means is that Adelson’s ‘support’ for Trump is no doubt a behind-the-scenes deal that was made to keep him out of prison.

Nevertheless, even if Trump wins all can be confident of the fact that Israel and her various tentacles spread throughout the world are going to do their damndest in frustrating him at every turn. Whether it is a monetary collapse or a nuclear weapon being detonated within an American city that is then blamed on Russia, all those who are looking at a Trump presidency with even an ounce of hope need to curb their enthusiasm by recognizing the fact that the Titanic struck the iceberg a long time ago and the only question that remains now is how many people are going to find a spot on the lifeboats which are/will be in very short supply.

Times of Israel

American-Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson has reportedly given $25 million to a super PAC dedicated to defeating Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Just a couple of weeks ago Adelson was frustrated with Donald Trump’s “lack of focus” and misdirected attacks at fellow Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan. However, Fox News reported Monday that the casino magnate had added $25 million to the millions he’d already donated to Trump’s campaign. The report also indicated he may give more by the end of the week.

His change of heart reportedly came in the wake of FBI Director James Comey’s announcement Friday that the bureau had discovered hundreds of thousands of emails that may be relevant to the bureau’s ongoing investigation into Clinton’s possible misuse of emails, and timing may indicate that Adelson now believes the GOP candidate has a real shot at winning the election.

The donation, described to Fox News as a “massive” amount of money to be spent in the final week of the campaign, was given to Future 45, a pro-Trump super PAC. Future 45’s latest ad argues that the Democratic nominee cannot be trusted with the presidency as the Clinton Foundation has received millions of dollars from regimes around the world that persecute women and minorities.

A source told Fox News that Adelson is considering contributing up to $25 million more as the White House race enters its final few days.

In May, Adelson bucked a substantial number of Republican Jews who opposed Trump — even though by that time it was clear he would be the party’s presidential nominee — endorsing the pugnacious real estate magnate and reality TV star and appealing to other top Republican Jewish donors to follow suit.

The New York Times reported at the time that Adelson was prepared to spend up to $100 million to elect Trump, a greater sum than he has invested in previous elections.

In the following months, however, Adelson seemed to sour on Trump, instead focusing on congressional races amid fears of the Republicans losing control of Congress due to Trump’s weak polling numbers and numerous controversial statements. He gave at least $40 million to super PACs focused solely on the fight for Congress, and the $10 million he initially dedicated to a pro-Trump super PAC was spent only on advertising in states with competitive Senate races.

Trump’s campaign has been plagued by charges of anti-Semitism, racism and sexism, and the nominee has been accused of running a divisive, hate-driven campaign.

Adelson is a prominent donor to Jewish causes and a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.