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Fox: Adelson Gives $25 Million to Attack Hillary

Cathy Burke

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Oct. 31, 2016

Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson has committed $25 million to an anti-Hillary Clinton super PAC that expects to finance ads in the final week of the campaign hitting the Democratic nominee for alleged corruption, Fox News reported Monday.

On "Special Report with Bret Baier," Fox News' Ed Henry described the infusion of money to the super PAC controlled by the family that owns the Chicago Cubs, "a massive number" in the last days before Election Day.


According to Fox News, the cash blast is expected to help GOP down-ballot races, but is also a sign high-rolling donors who doubted Donald Trump could beat Clinton are now betting her WikiLeaks and email scandal are making her vulnerable.


Quoting unnamed sources, Henry reported the GOP nominee campaigned Sunday at a hotel in Las Vegas, where he met with two casino magnates for a private talk.

The Chicago-based Ricketts family had supported Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's failed bid to win the GOP nomination, but in September, it was reported TD Ameritrade founder J. Joe Ricketts would fork over $1 million to the Trump campaign


The $25 million, Henry said, could be just the "floor" and not a "ceiling" for the new cash infusion, reporting "there's more money coming," adding: "That would give confidence to other donors who have been on the sidelines."


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