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Clinton Campaign Admits Making False Claims Against Trump

Kit Daniels

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Oct. 25, 2016


The Hillary Clinton campaign was working with a public relations firm to intentionally launch false personal attacks against Donald Trump to deceive the public, according to emails released by Wikileaks.

Clinton’s Communication Director Jennifer Palmieri was conspiring with the Glover Park Group (GPG) to “swiftboat” Trump, a term used to describe dishonest attacks against a political candidate which are later debunked after the damage is done.

“I know you can’t look past Bernie and March primaries, but who is in charge of the Trump swiftboat project? Needs to be ready, funded and unleashed when we decide, but not a half-assed scramble,” Joel Johnson of GPG wrote to Palmieri in Feb. 2016.













Palmieri agreed, and in response Johnson joked about being “behind too many curtains in my day,” a likely reference to the political intrigue of Roman courts in which schemers – and even assassins – concealed themselves behind palace curtains.

Johnson is a Managing Director of GPG with “an intensive working knowledge of the machinery of government and media,” according to his company bio, and he was previously a communications adviser for President Bill Clinton.

It’s revealing how the Clinton campaign has to rely on fake accusations to deceive the public into rejecting Trump, and it explains why there’s been so many dubious allegations made against the GOP candidate only weeks before the election.

The campaign also relies on pro-Hillary reporters in the mainstream media to smear Trump – and even acts as their assignment editor by telling them what to cover – and what to keep secret from the public.

“[New York Times reporter] Maggie Haberman is doing a write-through of her story on Hillary Clinton’s claim that she had never been subpoenaed for tomorrow’s paper which will include the statement we put out this afternoon,” said campaign staffer Jesse Lehrich in an email going over reporter assignments prior to publication. “…Other outstanding stories include: [Buzzfeed correspondent] Ruby Cramer on our grassroots organizing, Anita Kumar (McClatchy) on where we have organizers and how we’ve spent our money during Q2, and [Washington Post reporter] Phil Rucker on HRC talking about gun violence prevention.”

In other words, the mainstream media is no longer the news media; it now operates as a pro-Hillary PR firm that’s deceptively posing as objective journalism to manipulate public opinion in Clinton’s favor.