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Ramon Rodriguez

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Oct. 31, 2016

The combined strategies, on all fronts, to defeat Donald Trump have a plan B, not only to avoid his possibilities of reaching the presidency but also a very well calculated plan to quietly cause the final destruction of the Republican Party and its leadership, as well.

Again, the leaders within in the GOP, especially its legislators, are erroneously focused on distancing themselves from their presidential candidate in the hope that they can save their upcoming re-election campaigns.  All these GOP candidates are in for a very tragic awakening to their dreams of re-election, if Hillary obtains the presidency.

The Republican Legislature is at a high stake this coming November.  If our representatives do not unite behind Mr. Trump, we will all suffer the nightmare of a possible victory of Hillary with all the consequences that this represents including their own demise.  Do they not realize what another four year term with a democratic administration will mean for us and the rest of the world?

The Republican Party now has total control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.  If Trump does not reach the presidency due to their decision of not endorsing him, and should Hillary be elected President, each and every one of the GOP candidates will be her next target!  Control by the Republicans of the two bodies  poses a serious impediment of her plans for the destruction of our nation.  For this reason every Republican position will be in jeopardy when their election comes around.

If you think that the monetary contribution for Hillary’s campaign has been great, you will find them to be insignificant amounts, if she wins, because when your re-election comes around, your political opponents, the democrats, will have additional advantages in the form of substantial economic contributions with her help.  Your seat will be lost.

We will face an even greater concern; that of appointing the successor to Judge Scalia and any other judges that may retire.  Are we willing to leave the Supreme Court in total control of Hillary, the democrats and the neocons.  Will we be able to analyze decisions and rulings made be this court, and will they be in accordance with the Constitution and our justice codes, or according to the desires and convenience of others?

We have been witnesses to the almost absolute power of the presidency, its cabinet and its associates .   When we look at the unprecedented amounts of executive orders signed by the present incumbent, many of which circumvents our Constitution.  How many more will Hillary sign if she controls the presidency, both congress, and the Supreme Court?  What will happen to our Constitutional rights, the right to free speech, and the right to bear arms?

I question our congress men, ‘Have the lobbyist influenced, in any way your decisions to not support Mr. Trump’s candidacy?  Are you undergoing any type of pressure or other kind of suggestion which in some way jeopardize your future or well-being?

There is a great deal at stake in this election.  The consequences are many.  Every voter that wants change will only vote for the men and women that represent that change, taking note of the actions of the candidates.  So you best wake up!!!  Stay united and in control!  Our destiny as a nation is at play!  Our country and our people deserve better!

If Trump doesn’t win, it will beYOUR loss!  If Hillary   wins, your loss and our loss will be even greater!!!


From a concerned citizen.
