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BREAKING: With Two Days Before Final Debate, Will Hillary Clinton Cancel?


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Oct. 17, 2016

This Wednesday’s debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump and Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton would be the most-watched political event in American history.


Between career-ending WikiLeaks bombshells and sexual allegations, the stakes have never been higher. Many Americans are already voting absentee, and the election is 21 days away.

But something strange is going on with Team Hillary. President Barack Obama’s former chief advisor David Axelrod is floating the idea that Hillary should drop out of the debate! Why? Because Trump had the courage to point out Hillary’s health issues, including the possibility she was on drugs at the last debate:

Democratic strategist David Axelrod on Saturday suggested that Hillary Clinton skip her third and final presidential debate with Donald Trump.

The former White House adviser to President Obama responded to Trump’s call for a drug test before his next debate with Clinton later this month.

“You have to wonder if @HillaryClinton will/should reconsider next debate, given the depths to which this has sunk,” Axelrod tweeted.

Hillary is already sharing the reason she would give for canceling the debate: She felt “stalked” at the townhall-style debate:

In her first interview since the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton recalled feeling Donald Trump “literally stalk [her] around the stage.”

Describing the experience to Ellen DeGeneres in an interview posted online Friday, Clinton said, “It was clear that my opponent Donald Trump was going to try to dominate the space almost to the exclusion of the people who were sitting there.”

Clearly, Team Hillary is working with Alexrod to use this suggestion of dropping out of the debate as a trial balloon. Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to face Donald Trump, who will certainly do everything possible to point out Hillary Clinton’s corruption and crimes.

Now, Hillary’s supporters in the media have joined with the “dropping out” movement. Does this look coordinated to you?

In the Boston Globe:


In a Massachusetts paper:

Ladies and gentlemen of the commission,

Please, please, PLEASE cancel the third debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There is nothing more this American Person can learn—or wants to learn—about these two candidates.

And The Washington Post, which recently endorsed Hillary:

Do we really need a third presidential debate? What’s the point? To have another round of ugliness and continued disgusting performances by Donald Trump in his desperate and vain pursuit of the highest office in the land?

Why debase the presidency in this way? Perverse entertainment? TV ratings?

Hillary Clinton has serious health issues that she is hiding from the American people. It’s clear the debates are a challenge for her, and she may not have the strength to face Trump one final time. Now, her friends in the liberal media seem to be giving her cover while trying to make it acceptable for the debate to be cancelled entirely.

Do you think Hillary will cancel on the debate and hide from voters?

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