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Donald Trump Is About To Expose Bill Clinton’s rapes and How Hillary Covered Them Up

The Unhived Mind

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October 8, 2016 uhm One comment


Donald Trump’s Apology That Wasn't ( Trump News Video Today )


October 8, 2016 at 9:24 am

Once again out of sheer desperation the Zionists and Clinton’s screw themselves over. Why? Well it’s one thing listening to a typical male conversation about women but when Bill Clinton has raped and beaten women you’d better just keep your mouth shut. This proves to me how pathetic these so-called elite families are where they don’t think about the wider repurcussions. Donald Trump is going to absolutely destroy the demented Hillary and her husband once and for all tomorrow and I cannot wait to view it. The time has come for the Clinton’s to be exposed for what they are which is money launderers, murderers, drug traffickers and as corrupt as one can be. If you’re American then use your head this election and don’t sit at home or waste a vote on either of the other two idiots. Make sure you get out and vote for Donald J. Trump and make sure your ballets are all in ink not pencil. There’s only two choices and you’d better get it right or else. Monitor the polling stations for wrong doing as Clinton has already been initiating vote fraud preparations like all those ballots found in a nearby disused storage facility. Yes Pence is as much a warhawk as Kaine but at least Trump wants better relations with Russia unlike Clinton who cannot wait to initiate the Zionist act of a no-fly zone in Syria to kick off WW3 which she’ll soon lose. Start to be smart and make this move towards making America great again as Trump is the stepping stone towards bringing back the Republic in the near future. Never before have we seen the amount of hate towards a candidate other than patriot William McKinley and we all know Trump’s connection to McKinley. If Clinton gets in then it is 100% over for America and there will never be another chance at all.


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`·- The Unhived Mind