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WHOA: Amish Stop Work, Show Up to Trump Rally With INCREDIBLE Message

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oCT. 3, 2016

Given Donald Trump’s mastery of social media, it’s interesting that one of his most die-hard group of fans, literate as they are, couldn’t even read his tweets if they wanted to.

When Donald Trump came to the swing state of Pennsylvania, he also stopped by Lancaster County, best known to those outside the region as “Amish country.” The Amish decided to take a break from working the fields and decided to work at making America great again.

There were plenty of beards and hats to be seen, and while there weren’t a whole lot of buttons keeping the garments fastened, there were certainly a lot of Trump/Pence buttons to be seen.


Actually, it seems the Amish can wear buttons, although some of the stereotypes — hats and beards, to be specific — were in full effect at the rally in the town of Manheim.


That is a much cooler beard than you’ll see any hipster sporting at a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders event. Take that, baristas!


No belts, no razors, and no tolerance for Hillary’s lies.

It was a pretty impressive turnout in Amish country, too. Take a look at some of these pictures:


As you might imagine, Amish country is not one of the most heavily populated areas of the nation. Yet, the event still managed to draw better in rural Lancaster County than Hillary Clinton drew in Iowa’s largest city, and by a rather substantial amount. (Hillary only managed to draw 600 to a “major” rally in Des Moines.)

Maybe these Amish voters will be able to turn Pennsylvania red for Donald Trump in November, which would pretty much make Hillary Clinton’s road to victory pretty much impossible. And who knows? Maybe Trump can help turn Lancaster County into an … Amish paradise?