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BuzzFeed Hilariously Edits Its Own Poll Showing Huge Support For Trump

Zach Montanaro

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Sept. 29, 2016

BuzzFeed recently published a presidential preference poll for their readership to take part in. A day or so later, they felt the need to “update” it because they felt the results “no longer accurately reflects the opinions of real people.”

Take three guesses as to what the results were showing.

Polls are something that many media outlets do. They're a quick thing that will catch people’s attention during a heated presidential cycle and will hopefully get the public to click on the outlet's website. Undoubtedly, BuzzFeed also did this figuring that the “poll” would have a strong showing for Hillary Clinton, showing given the site's tendency to openly criticize her opponent. That, however, didn’t turn out to be the case. Here are the results:









As you can plainly see, Republican nominee Donald Trump is dominating in the “poll” with 11.5 million votes, followed up by “Other” at 161,000 votes, “I still haven’t decided” at 152,500 votes, and finally Clinton in dead last at 70,300 votes.

Now to be very, very clear to all the liberals already pounding away at their keyboards, I’m in no way insinuating that this is a scientific poll by any stretch of the imagination. It’s clearly just a gimmick that is used by BuzzFeed and plenty of other outlets to get their readership more engaged and drive more clicks to their website.

It is funny, though, that BuzzFeed felt it was totally necessary to put an update right above the “poll," saying it "no longer accurately reflects the opinions of real people."

I suppose I probably shouldn’t be too critical of the website that is most known for asking stupid clickbait quizzes, like this one where you can find out what your inner potato is. You know, in case you’ve just been really curious all your life. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to know which ousted Arab Spring ruler you are.

The more I look these up, the more I wonder why I’m even bothering to write a story about these guys anyway.

But, hey, if you wanted to go check out that “poll” for yourself, you can go cast your pretend vote right here!