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Sept. 12, 2016

NY Times: Hillary Clinton Is Set Back by Decision to Keep Illness Secret


Her campaign, responding to political pressure after it belatedly revealed that she had pneumonia, promised more details about her health and medical records this week.


NY Times: Watching, and Wincing, as Clinton Stumbles


A fleeting moment that, like so much of her campaign, is impossible to separate from history.


In the history of the American QFS (Quadrennial Freak Show), the 2015-2016 season is, without a doubt, already the freakiest of them all. We thought the strangeness had reached its apex with the alleged "fainting" of a woman alleged to be Killary Rotten Clinscum -- an event which we suspected to be an incident staged by the Hildebeast for one of the strategic purposes we reviewed in Monday's issue of The Anti-New York Times.
But now, based upon a careful review of the 18-second filmed incident (for which there was neither any preceding or subsequent action filmed), we believe that the woman in the clip was resisting arrest as she was being thrown into a waiting vehicle! Blow up the video yourself and notice her hands behind her back as a female agent holds her up. As the vehicle door opens, notice how the woman said to be Killary freezes up in fear and resistance as she is forced in. A pin can be seen and heard dropping (shackling device being deactivated?). Perhaps the shady agent Julian Assange of WikiLeaks wasn't kidding when he said that Hillary would soon be arrested.
Watch Killary very closely and see. She is either locking up in resistance, or is perhaps a stiff and shackled dead body already? We'll wait for you.
But if Killary was arrested or already dead, then who was the woman that later emerged from daughter Chelsea's New York apartment, smiling and waving to cameras as if nothing had happened? Why did she walk out alone? Where was husband Bill, daughter Chelsea, and her lesbian sidekick Huma Abedin? The Internet and even a bit of the "mainstream media" are now circulating claims of a body-double and a voice impersonator making call-ins to CNN. If indeed there was an arrest, was it Killary that was arrested? Or was it the impostor that was arrested? Who shot that film? Why only 18 seconds?
Has Obongo finally made his move to get rid of the woman he is known to hate? Will Hillary "die" in the coming days, as was eerily suggested in Mort Zuckerman's (cough cough) US News & World Report on August 31st? Have a whiff of this amazingly "prophetic" headline and excerpt:

A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election

Chaos would ensue if a vacancy emerges near Election Day.

By Steven Nelson | Staff Writer

The presidential election could be delayed or scrapped altogether if conspiracy theories become predictive and a candidate dies or drops out before Nov. 8. The perhaps equally startling alternative, if there's enough time: Small groups of people hand-picking a replacement pursuant to obscure party rules.

The scenarios have been seriously considered by few outside of the legal community and likely are too morbid for polite discussion in politically mixed company. But prominent law professors have pondered the effects and possible ways to address a late-date vacancy.



Could the real Killary be in some secret prison at this very moment? Was she fearfully driven into a fake illness / fake-death / political exile by the known intelligence agent Julian Assange of WikLeaks? Has she been killed? Is there a faction of "good guys" in the "deep state" government that locked this evil bitch up for patriotic reasons? Is there another faction that can spring her loose? Would the Clinton faction be so bold as to run a made-up, surgeried-up, talking-point-spewing imposter, if there actually is one? Will we soon hear of Killary's sudden "death by natural causes" within the coming days / weeks? Is Obongo setting up a crisis-induced "Triple Crown" by way of Presidential decree? Will the hideous First Tranny run, effectively giving Team Obongo a third term legally.

We apologize for giving more questions than answers, but your guess is as good as ours at this point. All we will say for certain is that this whole confusing affair stinks of fraud and high conspiracy. Stay tuned.