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DIRTY DEEDS: Leaked emails reveal how Clinton conspired with DNC to destroy Bernie Sanders, the only anti-Monsanto candidate

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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July 27k, 2016

(NaturalNews) There was only one candidate for president who openly talked about labeling GMOs and dismantling powerful banks and corporations. That candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, was targeted for character assassination and reputation destruction by none other than the democratic establishment puppetmasters, new leaked emails show. #DNCleak


A deep, dirty conspiracy between Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz coalesced into a near-criminal plot to destroy the reputation of Sen. Sanders through an astonishing array of dirty deeds intended to obliterate Sanders' chances of winning the democratic nomination.


"The emails come from the accounts of seven DNC officials," reports Daily Caller. "...communications director Luis Miranda, national finance director Jordon Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer, finance director of data and strategic initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Allen Zachary, senior advisor Andrew Wright and Northern California Finance Director and the finance director for northern California, Robert Stowe."


The emails reveal the astonishing sleaze reflected throughout the inner workings of the democrat establishment, where the entire system was "all in for Hillary" long before voters had any opportunity to weigh in on their preferred nominee. In essence, these emails reveal the democrat establishment to be a corrupt, criminal regime of political Gestapo shock troops working solely for the interests of Hillary Clinton, the most seditious, traitorous crook to ever seek the office of president.


Not coincidentally, Hillary Clinton is also an ally of Monsanto and the biotech industry, and Bernie Sanders was openly opposed to Monsanto and the corrupt banksters (to whom Hillary also panders with her corruption). So the Hillary Clinton / DNC destruction machine is actually just an extension of the Monsanto destruction machine which specializes in character assassination and sleaze operations thanks to biotech mercenary scum slingers like Jon Entine, who was allied with to destroy all anti-GMO activists.


Mocking "Jew Bernie" ... dirty leaks to the press and other tactics from the DNC

Some of the tactics used by DNC insiders include:


• Mocking "Jew Bernie" and attacking his religious faith. From the DNC CFO Brad Marshall, "It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist..."


• Leaking dirt on Bernie Sanders to the Wall Street Journal in order to destroy his credibility. Note that this is the DNC deliberately sabotaging a democrat candidate who was wildly popular with progressive voters.


• Creating a series of fake Craigslist ads that appear to be placed by the Trump organization in order to offend women. The ads, dreamed up by DNC sleaze slingers, required applicants to demonstrate "A willingness to evaluate other women’s hotness for the boss’ satisfaction." The decision on this tactic was a "GO" by the DNC bosses, with staffer Luis Miranda stating, "As long as all the offensive shit is verbatim I’m fine with it."


• Organizing false flag protests against Donald Trump to create the impression that the protests were spontaneous and popular.


Plus, here's a whole list of more DNC dirty deeds from this story at The Gateway Pundit:


DNC member killing horses for insurance money.


DNC making fun of black woman's name.


DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”


DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.


DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.


DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.


DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.


DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”


DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.


Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.


DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz having an off the record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin’s office.


DNC discussing Hillary’s policies as unfeasible.


$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.


Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.


Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.


A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.


Bringing up Sanders religion to scare the southern voters.


Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.


Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.


DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.


Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.


DNC is upset that their “allies” didn’t send in protestors so they sent out interns.


“Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering