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Boehner: 'Not Surprised' if Hillary Drops Out

Jason Devavey

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May 12, 2016

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner took shots at the field of presidential candidates Thursday, and he said he thinks Hillary Clinton might end up pulling out of the race.

Boehner addressed a crowd at the SALT Conference in Las Vegas and, according to a CNN correspondent, took a shot at Clinton.

Clinton's campaign has been dogged by an ongoing FBI investigation into her use of a private email address and server while she worked under President Barack Obama as secretary of state.

Boehner, according to The Wall Street Journal, also commented on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's White House bid that ended last week when he lost the Indiana primary to fellow Republican Donald Trump.

"Thank God that guy from Texas didn't win," Boehner said. He called the 2013 government shutdown, which was led by Cruz, the "dumbest thing I ever saw."

And regarding his comments last month in which he called Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh," Boehner added, "I got criticized by some Satanic organization for giving Lucifer a bad name."


According to Fortune, Boehner addressed Trump's status as presumptive Republican presidential nominee (he's "clearly not conservative") and Democrat Bernie Sanders, a senator from Vermont ("He's an old curmudgeon").