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GOP operatives, conservative leaders meet to thwart Trump

Robert Costa

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March 17, 2016

A secretive group of Republican operatives and conservative leaders convened Thursday morning for more than three hours to discuss ways to unite the right against Donald Trump, with a presentation about the feasibility of mounting a third-party challenge as well as extensive deliberations about whether a coalition of anti-Trump forces could prevent the billionaire mogul from securing the party's presidential nomination at the July convention in Cleveland.

"It's certainly not too late," Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said as he left the session. "You could get another party on the ballot. A candidate could be picked as late as August. … It would have to be a movement conservative.”"

"I was there to listen," Franks, a supporter of Trump rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), added. "I am worried about the kind of damage that Trump could cause to our party. … As a conservative, I can’t trust Donald Trump to do the right thing. However, I can trust Mrs. Clinton to do the exact wrong thing. Therefore, if it comes down to a one-on-one contest, I would vote for Trump."

Franks repeatedly declined to name who was floated as a potential standard-bearer for a third-party conservative bid.

A second attendee, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations, said Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska was one name mentioned as a possible late-entry contender who conservatives could rally around.

A spokesman for Sasse said he did not send a representative to the meeting.

In a statement, the senator said he would not run: “Absolutely not. I’ve got three little kids and the only callings that I want: raising them and serving Nebraskans. No way.”

A second attendee, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations, said Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska was one name mentioned as a possible late-entry contender who conservatives could rally around.

A spokesman for Sasse said he did not send a representative to the meeting.

In a statement, the senator said he would not run: “Absolutely not. I’ve got three little kids and the only callings that I want: raising them and serving Nebraskans. No way.”