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March 17, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Jim Stone

March 16 2016

Brokered convention no matter what

Representatives of the Republican party have now stood up and said that even if Trump gets enough delegates to force an outcome, that they will hold a brokered convention anyway. So the vote does not matter.

What this means then is that the U.S. has a one party political system and it does not matter at all if Hillary is appointed. The Republicans simply do not care if they lose, as long as an establishment figure gets in. If they get to choose who we vote for, and willingly choose an appointee against the outrage of the people, America is absolutely no different from Communist China.

The people have to be able to choose who they can vote for, or there is no vote at all. You cannot just throw two people up and say vote for one or the other. Hopefully Trump will figure this out on time and run independent, and if he does, we are going to need to force 100 percent election accountability. Failure of the people to force accountability is now guaranteed to result in an appointment, rather than an election.

I am additionally confident that Hillary lost the primaries by a margin of 80 percent. But she was the anointed one, will of the people be damned.

There has been an obvious coup of the American government, Trump has laid that fact completely bare.

One thing I would also like to make note of is the condemnation of Europe, China, and Japan against Trump. Why would they care who the American President is so much that they will issue condemnation of the choice of the people of another country? ANSWER: Because they are being run locally by the exact same cabal that is running America, the global government is already well in place and that entity does not want a disturbance anywhere within it.

At this point it looks like the only answer will be for Trump to run independent, and for the American people to keep tabs on the election themselves, paying no attention to the “official” outcome, and enforce the true outcome with bullets. Sad to say, that is obviously where we are.


March 17, 2016 at 5:18 am

Jim has it all wrong about China, the nation isn’t controlled by the same Zeusian forces that control Europe and Japan. China will obviously be upset with Trump because if he’s true to his word then China will have a lot of industry etc removed along with various other obstacles in their way. China has a right to be worried if someone is taking its pies away even though it took those pies from the West in the first place. So Chinese dislike of Trump would be that he’s anti-China when it comes to trade and nothing more than that. China has been removing the New Venice Empire elements out of its system and you’ve witnessed some of this through the anti-corruption scheme by Xi JinPing. China is clearing house and the one side of the economy whilst the real Chinese system and economy is perfectly legit and stable. I listen to advisers who deal in China at the highest levels and rest assured China is nothing like the West would like you to believe. China is in the hands of the Prometheans just the same as Russia and thus these are the saviors of mankind in the fight against the backward Zeusian and Kronos vermin of the West. Go and ask the Syrians what they think of the successful Promethean help to stabilize their nation over the last six months and hear the cheers for Vladimir Putin.


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