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Hillary Clinton Claims World Leaders Want Trump to Lose Presidential Race

The Unhived Mind

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March 14, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Hillary Clinton Claims World Leaders Want Trump to Lose Presidential Race © REUTERS/ Lucas Jackson

07:04 14.03.2016Get short URL

Clinton claimed Sunday that foreign leaders were ready to openly endorse her candidacy to stop her Republican rival Donald Trump from winning.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton claimed Sunday that foreign leaders were ready to openly endorse her candidacy to stop her Republican rival Donald Trump from winning the presidential race.

“I am having foreign leaders ask if they can endorse me to stop Donald Trump,” Clinton said at a televised event hosted by CNN in Columbus, Ohio.

The former Secretary of State declined to name any dignitaries, the US broadcaster said, although Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi previously supported her publicly.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who made an appearance together with Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, accused Trump of “inciting violence with his supporters.”

The controversial US billionaire businessman said earlier he was ready to pay legal fees of the man who punched an anti-Trump protester in the face at the GOP candidate’s campaign rally in North Carolina.

“That is an outrage, and I would hope that Mr. Trump tones it down big time, and tells his supporters that violence is not acceptable in the American political process,” Sanders said, as quoted by CNN.

Clinton and Sanders were speaking at CNN Town Hall on Sunday night ahead of Tuesday’s primaries.


March 14, 2016 at 9:12 am

It amazes me how these cretins come out with such garbage. It doesn’t matter whether Zionist criminals Merkel, Cameron or Hollande back Hillary. American elections are supposed to be decided by Americans so to openly talk about foreign leaders shows you how these so-called elite minds think. Hillary Clinton is a criminal and should be indicted by the FBI for her crimes. New Venice (Britain) has their agent Obama aka Barry Soetoro in place and monitored by handler Valerie Jarrett. If Trump is legit and no aligned to the Empire then expect Queen Melusina to gun for him as she’s totally controlled by New Venice. Remember that when Chatham House chose Clinton to be President they made sure that Hillary got back with Bill after a split otherwise he couldn’t be President. Clinton sings to the tune of the British Crown’s pied pipers.


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