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Paul Speery / Henry Makow

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Feb. 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders' offices are currently located in the Masonic Lodge 

HQ in Burlington, VT. left.

The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, 

Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795.

 It still dominates downtown Burlington symbolically and practically. 

Donald Trumpis also a Freemason. Remind you of Bush and Kerry? (Skull & Bones) 

Democracy is the freedom to vote for the Satanist of your choice.Remember Chaim Rakovsky's words:

the advent of Communism is the purpose of Freemasonry.


Bernie Sanders is an atheistic Communist, essentially a Satanist tool of the bankers he chastises. His Jewish socialism and "spirituality" amount to promising other people's money to underachievers in return for their vote. As president, he would be more effective than Obama in advancing the totalitarian Communist Jewish (Illuminati) NWO. Nonetheless, he is better than Hillary Clinton who is a pervert and criminal. 


Don't Be Fooled by Bernie Sanders- He's a Diehard Communist

By Paul Sperry

(slightly abridged by



Burlington-fm.jpgBernie Sanders' offices are currently located in the Masonic Lodge 
HQ in Burlington, VT. left.
The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, 
Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795.
 It still dominates downtown Burlington symbolically and practically. 
Donald Trump is also a Freemason. Remind you of Bush and Kerry? (Skull & Bones) 
Democracy is the freedom to vote for the Satanist of your choice. Remember Chaim Rakovsky's words:
the advent of Communism is the purpose of Freemasonry.
Bernie Sanders is an atheistic Communist, essentially a Satanist tool of the bankers he chastises. His Jewish socialism and "spirituality" amount to promising other people's money to underachievers in return for their vote. As president, he would be more effective than Obama in advancing the totalitarian Communist Jewish (Illuminati) NWO. Nonetheless, he is better than Hillary Clinton who is a pervert and criminal. 
By Paul Sperry
(slightly abridged by
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