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Trump hammers Hillary on husband, Cosby, 'Carlos Danger'

Donald Ernst

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Jan. 7, 2016

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump released an ad on Jan. 7, 2016, questioning Hillary Clinton’s ability to champion women’s rights. (Photo: Instagram, Donald Trump)

A new Donald Trump campaign video uses Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby and Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner to challenge Hillary Clinton’s claim as a champion of women’s rights.

“Hillary and her friends!” Trump said Thursday on Instagram when the ad went live.

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The video against the Democrat front-runner includes:

    Newspaper covers related to Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky.

    Disgraced New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, who sent pictures of his genitals to women. He often went by the pseudonym “Carlos Danger” while online. Weiner is the husband of long-time Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

    Bill Cosby, the Clinton Foundation donor who is accused of drugging and raping dozens of women. The 78-year-old was arraigned in a Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, courtroom Dec. 30 on charges he sexually assaulted Andrea Constand in 2004.

Watch the Trump campaign video here:

The Washington Post called Trump's strategy "smart" on Friday because "Republicans believe that the Clintons have never truly been called out" for their behavior.

"The video, which as of this writing already had almost 7,000 'likes' on Instagram, will undoubtedly get extended airtime this afternoon and tonight on cable television. And it will force the Clinton campaign to respond in some shape or form," the newspaper reported.

Bill Clinton's response in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Thursday while campaigning for his wife was to run.

"Are you worried that your past can hurt your wife's campaign?" Clinton was asked, the Daily Caller reported.

"I don't have any response," Clinton said. "I have no interest in getting involved in their politics or doing anything except trying to help Hillary."

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"What's your reaction to Juanita Broaddrick re-emerging?" asked another reporter as Clinton was ushered away.

Hillary Clinton, left, speaks while disgraced congressman New York Anthony Weiner listens in the background (Photo: Instagram, Donald Trump)

The former president's confrontation with reporters came just one day after Broaddrick said her experience with Clinton perpetually haunts her.

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73. … It never goes away,” Broaddrick tweeted Wednesday.

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"Was dreading seeing my abuser on TV campaign trail for enabler wife, but his physical appearance reflects ghosts of past are catching up," she also tweeted on Tuesday.

Bill Clinton scurries from reporters asking him about his past sexual indiscretions, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016 (Photo: MSNBC screenshot)

Trump has said it is "fair game" to mine Bill Clinton's past as long as Democrats try to label him a sexist.

David E. Kendall, the Clinton's then-personal attorney, denied Broaddrick's charges in a statement released by the White House in Feb. 20, 1999.

“Any allegation that the president assaulted Ms. Broaddrick more than 20 years ago is absolutely false," Kendall said, the Washington Post reported.

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