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Nov. 10, 2015

Even if you believe that anti-establishment candidates are resonating with the general electorate, it would be a terrible mistake to think that the power exerted by the actual establishment is at a tipping point. Frankly, the system cares little what the people think and voting is nothing but an annoyance in the true culture war that is being waged and won by the money cartel and their media tools. Imagine a presidential race between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders? Might make for big ratings, but will never happen within a political party structure where both Republicans and Democrats are sucking from the same venomous collectivist moo juice.

At this point in the primary campaign, the wicked witch is dripping with delight. Hillary and that infamous “cash cow” the Clinton Foundation maintain a revolving door with Wall Street. Buying access is far outpaced with purchasing influence. Missing in most analysis of how the game is played because politicians have very little personal power. The levers of government operate as a well oiled machine for the benefit of the designers and the mechanism that oversee the system.

If an upstart like Ben Carson comes on the scene, the novelty keeps the public distracted long enough to provide a false hope. After the usefulness is worn off, the media venting apparatus applies their shock and awe attack for the purpose of slaying the white knight, which in this case has a black face behind a surgical mask. His support for the TPP is not enough to win a pass.

Bump up Marco Rubin as the heir apparent to a deflated Bush dynasty inept son as the establishment backup choice smells of substituting a mutt for a royal blood line. What better way to trick the gullible into thinking that anyone can grow up to be President.

Waiting in the wings is the Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz, the orator par excellence. This modern day Cicero scares his fellow Senate colleagues because he follows in the footsteps of his Roman forbearer.  “He is credited with transforming Latin from a modest utilitarian language into a versatile literary medium capable of expressing abstract and complicated thoughts with clarity”.

No doubt if Trump sinks in the polls, Cruz would be the next in line for his support. At that point the Harvard lawyer with a managing director at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. wife would be tested. Would he act accordingly in office as Cicero who “faced criticism for exaggerating the democratic qualities of republican Rome and for defending the Roman oligarchy against the popular reforms of Caesar”?

With all the hoopla that the Republicans have fielded such a strong slate of candidates, why is Rand Paul the only one who differs from the embedded foreign policy of decades of bipartisan State Department imperialism? The answer is clear; a true reversal in interventionist internationalism would never be tolerated by the establishment cabal.

With the release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, the Washington Post has created a  feature on TPP trade deal searchable that can be used to research the details of the most sweeping trade agreement in our lifetime.

No other legislation will more thoroughly consolidate the corporatist ruling class financial and commercial control over the shattered pieces of our domestic economy as the TPP. Here is where the rubber meets the road. Recent positions from most of the candidates on the TPP are found on Ballotpedia.

The barons of finance dictate the political positions of any politician who seeks to gain anointed status. This reality brings back the focus to Trump and Sanders. The relative appeal of each to their enthusiastic supports shares defiance against the encrusted organizational structure in either party.

As an avowed socialist the Sanders’ message is to break up the dominance of the financial elite monolith and substitute greater levels of governmental top down control. For the quintessential entrepreneur, Trump wants to develop a renewed American renaissance.

Sanders extreme is intended to make Hillary appear as the safe choice. While her symbiotic relationship to the money cartel provides the cash flow to the Clinton Empire, the majority of Democratic voters ignore her criminal misdeeds of a lifetime career of protecting the establishment.

Trump has shared a bed with the metropolitan upper crust his entire life. No humble roots from a log cabin for this titan of the high rise. However, the thrust of his campaign runs counter to the normal pattern of seeking support from the tenants in his condos.

What differentiate the prospects of Trump’s experience and talents is that he is best positioned to resurrect a wealth creation economy from the rest of his Republican colleagues and certainly from Sanders and Clinton.

This fact alone should encourage and attract voters of any affiliation to rethink their attitudes towards government and business. Nonetheless, the super rich will still retain their privileged position under Trump. Only the jealous and the habitual collectivists want to confiscate the treasures of the rich and refuse to understand that growing a wealth economy raises everyone in their standard of living.

The injustice of a manipulated and crony capitalist system is not that free enterprise is a failure, but that it has been destroyed by the unholy alliance between big government and the depraved oligarchists who game the political process.

Elections will never alter this imbalance. Sadly, the Tea Party has been disappointed with the lack of commitment to meaningful reform now that the Republicans have a majority in both the House and the Senate.

Illustrating this appraisal is the first measure passed under the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, House Votes to Reauthorize U.S. Export-Import Bank. All one needs to know about this reauthorization of a prime example of crony capitalism is that the transnational corporations exert hegemony over the institutions and agencies of government.

Sanders’ campaign will die with a whimper. Trump invokes an alternative to the stale message from GOP establishment RINO’s. His crossover appeal with disenfranchised working class Americans is the best chance to defeat the queen of mean. Good thing he now has Secret Service protection. On second thought, maybe that is a bad omen . . .

SARTRE – November 10, 2015

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