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Donald Trump campaign tweets, then retracts post criticizing Monsanto's toxic GMO corn for damaging Americans' health

Mike Wlson staff Writer

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Oct. 23, 20105

(NaturalNews) Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump continues to lead in most of the polls, with his popularity soaring as the candidate speaks controversial truths that his running mates wouldn't dare vocalize.

So far, Trump has distanced himself from large corporate donors in an attempt to prove that he has no controllers, voiced his concerns about the link between the autism epidemic and the administering of too many vaccines at once, and now, for a brief moment, he's seemingly taken on the world's most evil corporation: biotech seed giant Monsanto.

Yesterday, Trump's Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, retweeted a post alleging that Iowans have had way too much 'Monsanto corn' that was 'creating issues in their brain'. The tweet, which was promptly deleted, was retweeted by Trump's account after reports broke of a new Iowa poll showing presidential candidate Ben Carson had taken the lead among Iowa caucus-goers.

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson just achieved a milestone in the Republican presidential primary: edging front-runner Donald Trump in a notable poll," reported Business Insider.

"Quinnipiac University released a new Iowa survey on Thursday that found Carson leading Trump 28% to 20% among likely caucus-goers.

"Trump has led almost every national and state-based poll since he surged to the top of the crowded field over the summer, and he has continued to hold decisive leads in several new polls out this week.

"But Carson has been nipping at his heels," Business Insider reported.


Trump blames intern for tweeting about negative effects of Monsanto's GMO corn

Food activist and blogger Vani Hari, also known as the Food Babe, didn't miss a beat when she discovered Trump's diss to Monsanto, promptly reposting it on Facebook with the following caption:

"Calling all Presidential candidates to comment. Did Donald Trump just come out against #Monsanto?"