As a matter of necessity, please read the following linked document: Notice and Demand for action to secure a Writ of Quo Warranto
Which document was served by mail upon the United States Attorney General on, December 21, 2012.
Now, please understand the effect of such a document:
“Quo Warranto” is a Latin phrase that essentially asks the question: “By what authority?”
The right of Quo Warranto is an original remedial right of the people (see: the 9th Amendment).
The right of Quo Warranto is unavoidable when properly applied at law as follows:
Anyone can raise a Quo Warranto challenge to the Attorney General (hereinafter “AG”);
Once so raised, the AG has the right to choose to either prosecute the matter or not;
If the AG chooses not to prosecute, the party raising the cause retains the right to prosecute as an independent prosecutor for the AG’s office; with the full authority of the AG’s office to do so;
The prosecutor merely raises the contest in court, the Defendant must then prove Quo Warranto does not apply or the only remedy available to the court is, issue a Writ of Quo Warranto for removal from office.
Because this case is brought against Barrack Obama’s candidacy, contesting that he does not lawfully qualify as Candidate for the Office of U.S. President, he cannot have been lawfully elected to the President Elect’s Office;
Which means, Barrack Obama will be compelled to prove that he qualifies as a “natural born Citizen” in accord with the Constitution’s requirement at Article 2, § 1, clause 5; and,
Regardless of Obama’s birthplace, the Supreme Court has consistently indicated the constitutional phrase, “natural born Citizen”, is a child naturally born of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States.
Therefore, given the fact that Barrack Obama’s birth certificate (posted on the White House website) shows his father was not a U.S. citizen, Barrack Obama cannot qualify as a candidate for the office of U.S. President Elect; respectively, this contest would remove Obama both from his candidacy and the office of President Elect.
Wherefore, the 2012 election of the President of the United States must revert to Mitt Romney; quite frankly, Mitt Romney has the proper personal interest in the elected office to bring such an action himself, without contest and the people should be contacting him to inspire him fight for his election by doing so!
When this action hits the court it requires the court to take immediate action to hear the matter. Congress is now in session reviewing the election. The Senate can even take this action on advisement to impeach Obama immediately and therein open a review of his candidacy in this last election. This action must be in the courts before January 20th!
As you consider your support of this Call to Action:
Remember the things Obama claimed and promised in his campaign and in the Presidential debates this year and notice he has already proven his deception since the election; as with his announcement of a 30% across the board tax increase. Also, notice that immediately after the election companies (like Hostess, etc.) closed their doors rather than continue against the threat of “Obamacare”; while others fired (or cut the weekly work schedules to under 28 hrs/wk for) their fulltime employees, to avoid the effect of Obamacare. These effects (and more) have clearly changed the mindset of virtually all Americans and if the election were held today Obama could not have won.
Respectively, though no contest can remove this action from proceeding, the cause itself needs support from the people in mass! Wherefore, we are sending out this Call to Action, asking the people to spread this news to everyone you know; asking everyone to do all they can to stop Obama now!
Read this Call to Action with its attached Notice and Demand for Action; then, call everyone you know and inspire them to do the same; also, send a copy of this Call to Action with its attachment; to everyone you know; also, post it on your websites, facebook accounts, etc. and send it to all political and media services, especially to specific people like: Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, etc.
Then, instead of sending this Call to Action, send your own cover letter attached to the Notice and Demand for Action to all of the Congressmen for your State and to the Attorney General asking them to immediately compel the action forward or give leave to Zane Grey so to proceed; in order to give the people of our nation some hope for a more positive future; to avoid the clamor for secession and to the further destruction of our economy.
Given the fact that Obama’s candidacy remains in question by most of the people, now there is something you can do about it; Zane Grey has opened that door; let’s give him the support he needs to carry it through.
It is time to take action—Now!
Read the following linked document—and then do all you can to spread the word about this Call to Action as fast as you can; and, inspire as many people as you can to do the same!
Links that may assist you:
Use this MS WORD file: CallToAction.docx, as a source from which to copy; so, you can paste it in e-mail messages, etc. as the message you are sending to others (if you paste the file in either ‘.rtf’ or ‘.html’ formats you can retain the original style and content of the Call to Action in your e-mail message.
Use this copy of the actual letter: QW-Obama.pdf, that was sent to the Attorney General as an attachment to other messages (e-mail, etc.); so, you can paste it in e-mail messages, etc. and retain the style and content of the Call to Action.
This complete ‘.pdf’ file: Call2Action.pdf, which includes both the Call to Action and the Notice and Demand that was sent to the Attorney General to initiate the Quo Warranto action. If you want to keep it simple you can simply attach a link to this file to e-mails, Facebook pages, etc.; so, you can quickly and easily pass the messages on to others.
Because of this announcement, Team Law has made a Facebook page available; respectively, you can copy the post there (regarding this Call to Action) and spread it everywhere.
Thanks, for help Zane spread this news and inspire support.
Let us know when there is any way we can help you spread this message for Zane.
Team Law,
"In memory of our God, our faith, and freedom, and of our spouses, our children, and our peace."