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Polling Demographics Guiding Electoral Vote Gamesmanship Beats the Popular Vote

Dick Eastman

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Nov. 6, 2012

The silver lining is that neo-cons will not be running foreign policy.
Also, the Mormon faith will not be tied in the public mind with neo-con blood lust.
Not one network mentioned that loses the presidency with the biggest popular majority vote ever to loose to the electoral college tally.
Romney would have been an economy "D" compared to Obama's "F" -- neither addressed deflation or net interest drain.
other silver lining  -- the election is over
opinion  -- Fox News was on Obama's side   --  they were the "no-planer" Romney network    -- having Gingrich and Palin on for over an hour the night before.
yes, women tramatized by their abortions can be targeted and moved by psy-op ads to forget the economy and foreign policy etc.  but that was only significant in those swing states  --   yet I hear news anchors talking about an Obama mandate  -- when he actually lost the vote.
Which is worse? .  Neo-Cons or Clinton/Rockefeller/Goldman-Sachs democrats?  I couldn't make up my mind.  The majority of Americans who voted thought the C/Roc/Go-Sachs were worse  -- but they also had the smarter mathematical modelling wonks and so they won.
Dick Eastman