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Anton Miller

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July 17, 2012


Reflections On Rocky Montana's Recent Statements.


As I reflect on Mr. Montana's 07.14.12 input at Fourwinds10, I would like to thank him for making a stand. He offers a committed caring and some very astute observations on today's politics. Although I am not a proponent of trying to fix political situations with political solutions, I do appreciate Mr. Montana's expressed passions.

Since political systems are contrived servants and slaves of the fiat financial system it seems mandatory that all politicians succumb to being “purchased”, as is the custom with purchasing governments and Nations, one way or another.

If I did have a voice and vote that actually stood it's ground against the ruse of bought and paid for manipulated votes I would like to vote for all the R's...Reformation, Revolution, Removal, Restitution... in a united effort for an absolute “clean sweep” of the vipers and their entire systems; complete termination of all viper based services. Yes, restoring this Republic to it's original God guided foundation is a must, as short lived as it has been [usurped in less that 25 years by the time the war of 1812 arrived].

The absurdity and insanity of governments existing to “serve” citizens has become the greatest ruse yet. Human governments serve money...more money...big money...the biggest money...the fiat finance barons... all those hidden away thin air money magicians and their programs of mis-directed trickster tricks. Political campaigns are to0 filled these days with mis-directed tricks, that is, the trickster's slight of hand. Mr. Mitt is no exception according to recent articles in Vanity Fair.





An Age-Old Ruse

That’s the way Mitt Romney, back in 1994, described putting one’s assets in a so-called blind trust. But it’s 2012, and the ruse looks pretty serviceable.

By Todd S. Purdum


Investigation: Mitt Romney’s Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A.



The August issue of vanity fair notes that, by interpretation, Mr. Mitt is the chosen one with pat on the back donations from Goldman Sachs [$573,080], JPMorgan [$415, 075], Bank of America [$398, 850], Morgan Stanley [$373, 850], Credit Suisse [$317, 410], and Citigroup [$301, 550]. This is daily petty cash where cost of campaigning is concerned.... It is estimated that Mr. Barack used $730,ooo,ooo in “cash feeds” in the 2008 campaign. It is expected that the $1,000,000,000 campaign is in for the 2012.

But such “cash feeds” are casting the ballot for Mr. Mitt. He is our next President. Popular voting in November is inconsequential... another ruse for another time. If I am wrong about this then so be it. But if so, Mr.Mitt will be the first Mormon, as far as I know, appointed as the CEO of the Washington District of Criminals.


There is very little time left in my understanding for bringing or helping bring goodness to Earth Shan and Creator's people. Mother Earth will move into Her own

5D life cycle fulfillment without this 3D civilization. After sponsoring some 22,000 civilizations over eons of time, this one is the last one. We support goodness and exposure of the vipers each as best we can until she draws the finish line...when this 3D time is no more. Our vote might be best given to her and Our Creator as opposed to a Mr. Mitt, a Mr. Obama, or a Ms. Political Puppet.


In Love and Light,

Anton Miller