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Thousands to lose a fundamental right in SD on July 1

Robert Doody

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June 29 2012

Dear Friend of Liberty,

The national wave of voter suppression has reached the high plains. On July 1 a new felon disfranchisement law will remove thousands of South Dakotans from the voting rolls, setting South Dakota back decades compared with other states.

Will you help ensure that eligible South Dakota voters know their rights during this election season?

Because of this new voter suppression tactic, any South Dakotan convicted of a felony loses the right to vote, even if their sentence only involves probation. And the law disproportionally affects Native Americans, due to their vast overrepresentation in our state's criminal justice system.

The ACLU of South Dakota lobbied tirelessly against this bill during the legislative session, and we'll continue to fight to expand voting rights, but it will take time. So what do we do about the upcoming election?

You can help by:

— Volunteering to present Know Your Rights voting workshops in your area

— Volunteer to work alongside ACLU staff to educate voters in marginalized communities

We will provide you with the information and resources to carry out these know your rights trainings. We'll also back you up by spreading the word through email campaigns and public service announcements on the radio.

Sign up now and we'll work together over the next few months to make sure every eligible South Dakota voter has a voice in the November election. Please volunteer to help give a voice to your fellow citizens!

Yours in Liberty,

Robert Doody

Executive Director

ACLU of South Dakota