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John Kaminski

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June 12, 2012

The new American electorate


Anybody waving an American flag is either a fool or a killer.


Anybody waving an Israeli flag — fluttering in that sewer of flatulent psychopaths — is the enemy of all humanity. The legend of Mayer Amschel Rothschild not changing his underwear until it rotted off still perfumes every statement every Jew ever made — a true conspiracy against humankind with no respect for life because of the demons that possess them.


Thus it has come to pass that America, once the bright hope of the world, has been reduced to a drugged and deluded blob of semiconscious droids moldering in their own vomit, having cast away their treasures on the say-so of people they were taught to trust, and poisoning the world as they go without a second thought as to the merit of their efforts.


The shadow of their karma slowly gains on them from behind, a dark shadow of doubt as the bodies beaten to death by cops pile up closer and closer to home.


Two presidential candidates now clamor for our attention: a man of no discernible color and no discernible background reading from a teleprompter the messages of our enslavement; his opponent is a champion of the Golden Parachute, won by clever men who ruin the lives of others by bribing their friends to remain above the law.


So Liberty conscious America slides into its final sleep, voting for candidates chosen by Jewish bankers to accelerate our enslavement and extermination.


U.S. troops are taught to hate and kill by their thoroughly warped superiors, then brought home to inflict the same unquestioning brutality on their neighbors. This fuels the military crackdown, as does enflaming skirmishes among ethnic and religious minorities — all venting rage at each and ever missing the real target — the real perpetrator of our distress.


But the disease is well advanced now. The next pretend election will be the last — the mulatto against the Mormon, both owned by the Jewish monsters, without a trace of that goodness that at least the idea of America once aspired to be.


I want no power, only sanity. I have this idea that we are all supposed to be friends, not enemies. Competitors, yes, but not killers. To kill someone means you don't know what life is. So that's the problem of the whole world. And this is my presidential platform, or at least something I think every president of a real and genuine America should do.


Point 1. Under any and all circumstances, no one ever has the right to tell you what to believe or say. This right supersedes all laws.


Anybody who says Muslims pulled off 9/11 is automatically put in a jail for lying and deluded phonies, for the purpose of further actualization therapy, propaganda deprogramming, and, if necessary, perpetual segregation from the human population until perceptual minimums are reached.


Point 2. Income and property taxes are hereby abolished in perpetuity. All corporations must be licensed to perform a certain task and none others.


Point 3. Hemp, the planet's most valuable vegetable, is hereby legalized in all its manifestations, particularly in vehicle creation. Its safety and health benefits will rid the world of a thousand poisoned pollutants that make everyone sick.


Point 4: The international drug cartel must be publicly identified and reorganized from the point of view of public health and not public manipulation.


Point 5. All Jews are to be registered for the purpose of financial review by Muslim auditors. Further, all Jews are to be temporarily restricted from elected or appointed office, military service, and the legal, medical or financial positions. Most of these people will be prosecuted for murder and other crimes.


Point 6: Call home all American military and diplomatic personnel for review and reassignment.


Point 7: Immediately arrest for treason and RICO act all dual Israeli American citizens. This would balance our budget immediately. Urge every country in the world to do this and peace will prevail.


Point 8: Eliminate the use of all petrochemical fuels in ten years. This would trigger an unprecedented financial boom and clean up the environment.


Point 9: Keep the first ten Amendments of the Bill of Rights, suspend all the others for review (being sure to add the original 13th, which bans lawyers from government), scrap the rest the rebuild those that are needed in an honest way. Then scrap the Central Constitution and restore the Articles of Confederation as Patrick Henry wanted them, short-circuiting the lethal power of the international moneylenders.


Point 10: Prosecute all those involved in Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11, and all other false flag bomb attacks on human liberty, as well as all those who organized these false wars against the Muslim world.


It's your choice, comatose American electorate. Will you continue to believe that they're still counting the votes honestly and that the candidates come from all walks of life?


Romney warmonger or Obama warmonger? Or someone who actually believes that individual liberty is the salvation of the human species?


Almost anyone they don't own will do. But is anybody left?


Just remember — if liberty dies in America, it dies everywhere.


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.