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Bush's New Plan For Your Water Supply -- Dumping Sewage Into Our Waterways!!!

Meria Heller

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Read on, if you dare.

Hard to believe, but true:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is about to relax restrictions on dumping sewage into our waterways.

But with your help -- and the help of everyone you know -- we can stop them

"Sewage blending" is a threat to our health and our communities.

The EPA has proposed a new Clean Water Act policy, which would allow more "blending," or discharging, of inadequately treated sewage into our waterways.

This one is so outrageous, we've got to get EVERYONE to take action.

We're a new special interest group: People who drink water!

The new policy would allow sewage with no biological treatment into our lakes, rivers, streams and coastal waters.

This kind of treatment is intended to kill pathogens and remove toxic chemicals.

But exposure to the bacteria and viruses in such polluted waterways can be life-threatening.

We must prevent millions of Americans from getting sick because of exposure to these polluted waters.

Contact your members of Congress today to let them know you oppose the idea of sewage 'blending

Thanks for taking action,

Deb Callahan


League of Conservation Voters

P.S. The House is expected to vote on this next week. Your action right now can help protect us all

Tell A Friend!

Urge your friends to take action against sewage blending


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