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Hundreds of Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Boxes delivered to community colleges, food banks, high schools, churches and more - PHOTOS

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Mrch 17, 2015

(NaturalNews) Our effort to donate 250 Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Boxes to schools, community centers and churches around the country has achieved extraordinary success!

The Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow System is a non-electric, easy-to-use food production system that grows lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, medicinal herbs and many other foods using NO electricity, NO soil and NO complex mechanical parts. Find DIY videos and instructions for building your own at

As part of our effort to launch the Food Rising Revolution, we raised funds to donate 250 grow systems to schools, churches and community centers across America. Companies like Living Fuel ( and Boku Superfood ( stepped up with large donation pledges that helped us achieve our fundraising goal. (Complete list of donation supporters detailed below.)

So far, we have confirmed more than 200 donation requests. We still have capacity for a few dozen more donation requests! So if your organization would like a free Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box, check out these donation instructions. We will continue to accept and approve donations until we reach 250.

Here's some fresh lettuce I harvested yesterday from my own grow boxes. Free salads! (With strawberries on the way, too...)