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City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman's edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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June 20, 2012

(NaturalNews) An Oklahoma woman is the latest victim of government terrorism after City of Tulsa code enforcement officials came to her house and illegally tore up her entire edible garden, which contained over 100 varieties of medicinal plants. Denise Morrison was in full compliance with local laws concerning her garden, and yet city officials proceeded to both violate a court order, and willfully deny Denise of her legal right to grow food on her own property by illegally destroying it.

KOTV, which was the first to break the heartbreaking story, explains a situation that is becoming disturbingly common in America today. A phantom "neighbor" allegedly complains about the victim's yard, which prompts overzealous city officials to conduct a witch hunt that includes coercing the victim into complying with their unlawful demands. When said victim refuses and tries to fight back and reclaim her legal rights, the city proceeds to trespass on her property and destroy it, along with her livelihood.

For Denise, this is exactly what happened when a "neighbor" complained about her edible garden, which she just so happened to be using to naturally treat her diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. In this garden were strawberries, stevia, several varieties of mint, apple trees, pecan trees, walnut trees, grapes, lemons, garlic, and chives, to name just a few -- and each of these plants had a specific purpose in Denise's life, whether it was simply for nourishment, or for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

But City of Tulsa code enforcement officials, apparently doped up on their own sick delusions of perceived grandeur, decided that Denise's garden violated local code, even though it most clearly did not. In fact, nowhere in the local code is there even a hint of verbiage that suggests Denise's garden was in violation of any local laws whatsoever -- Tulsa city officials appear to have simply made up phony violations in order to target Denise.

You can watch the full report here:


Local code reveals Denise's garden in full compliance with the law

Code enforcement officials tried to claim that Denise's plants were too tall, exceeding the 12-inch limit for plants, and thus had to be removed. But as you will see in the following portion of Tulsa's Code of Ordinances titled Nuisances Classified, plants exceedingly twelve inches in height are permitted as long as they are "healthy trees, shrubs or produce for human consumption grown in a tended and cultivated garden." (

Denise tried to point this fact out to officials, but they ignored her. She repeatedly tried to show them pictures of her garden and set up meetings to discuss the matter, but they continually refused, ordering her to remove the garden or else face further penalties.

"Every word out of their mouth was, 'we don't care,'" said Morrison to about how the city treated her when she tried to defend the legitimacy of her garden.

Denise was not about to be steamrolled without a fight, however. Rather than rip out her garden, she decided to call the police, who issued her a citation in order to have the issue worked out at a later day in court. But before the postponed hearing could even take place, code enforcement officials, in violation of both the court order and the city's own laws, arrived at Denise's house and proceeded to forcefully remove every single plant from both her front and back yards.

Several days later, Denise, who had left her house following the incident, came back to see the aftermath of what had taken place. The destruction was so severe that Denise sat in her driveway and cried for several minutes before eventually leaving.

"Not only are the plants my livelihood, they're my food and I was unemployed at the time and had no food left, no medicine left, and I didn't have insurance," said Morrison about her garden. "They basically took away my life and my livelihood."

Americans need to start standing up and defending their freedoms against government terrorists

Denise has since filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city for tyrannizing her and destroying her personal property. Some of her supporters have also set up a petition demanding that the City of Tulsa replant her garden, compensate her for all losses, and apologize to her for their illegal activities against her (

But the incident should not have even occurred in the first place, nor should it have happened to Kimberly Bois of New Hampshire ( or Len Gratto of Mission, British Columbia ( And Karl Tricamo of Ferguson, Missouri, faces a similar situation as Denise (

The City of Tulsa's Neighborhood Inspections division, which was responsible for the destruction of Denise's property, can be reached at (918) 596-7698. Tulsa Mayor Dewey F. Bartlett can be reached at (918) 596-2100 or by visiting:

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