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Another Pork Bill for the Wealthy

James Wilson Policy Research Director, Inc.

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June 14, 2012

Quote of the Day: "Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out." - attributed to George Carlin

The Senate is considering a "bi-partisan" Farm Bill that once again steals your money then gives it to others.

That's why I sent this letter using's End Subsidies campaign.

Agricultural subsidies are among the worst. The Senate's Farm Bill (S.3240) should be called the Pork Bill.

According to Citizens Against Government Waste (, this bill...

* Spends $969 billion over ten years

* Saves an average of just $2.4 billion per year over current law

Even President Obama requested greater savings!

Is this fiscal responsibility? Can we end trillion-dollar deficits with ONLY 2.5% cuts here and there?

We pay...

* Big Ag to produce commercials in foreign countries.

* higher prices benefiting wealthy, tariff-protected sugar growers.

We even send $145 million per year to Brazilian cotton farmers!

And now, a new program would compensate farms when prices fall, even though they're enjoying record-high prices.

Meanwhile, most small farms receive NO benefits from these "support" programs.

Justice requires that you end this aid to the wealthy. This would...

* reduce the deficit.

* increase competition and choice for consumers.

* even the playing field for small farmers.

If you can't even stop corporate welfare, how can I trust you to shrink the deficit or solve the debt problem?

I want you to fight to end the subsidies. Oppose S.3240.


You can send your own letter, or borrow from or copy the above, using's Educate the Powerful System.

If the facts above anger you, we invite you to share this on your social networks.

James Wilson

Policy Research Director, Inc.