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How to turn your back yard into a food production machine (premium program)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Dear NaturalNews readers,

This is a time of great change in our world. Many people are now, for the first time, realizing that the debt situation in the USA is entirely unsustainable and headed for likely collapse.

There's a lot of crazy news, it seems, happening around the world: London riots, stock market volatility, rising food inflation, and so on. But the way through all this is to focus on SOLUTIONS that help us be better prepared for the hard times that are already beginning to unfold around us.

It is with this intention that NaturalNews.TV has just released an impressive new program that I call Backyard Food Production, created by Marjory Wildcraft. Technically, the full name is "Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm." It's a comprehensive system of practical knowledge that can show you how to turn your own back yard into a food producing machine.

Click here to watch the preview now

This program, which is instantly accessible through NaturalNews.TV, consists of a 110-minute video combined with 76 downloadable documents that give you a wealth of information on producing food in your own back yard starting right now.

Here's some of what you'll learn in this comprehensive program from a widely recognized expert in home-scale food production:

* How much land you need to be completely food self-reliant.

* Dynamic water harvesting and passive irrigation.

* How to turn any soil into fertile black gold.

* Which livestock to use and for what purposes.

* How to create a solar food dehydrator using a few simple household materials.

* Highly efficient techniques that homeowners can use, but commercial growers can't.

* The role of dogs on a homestead.

* How to convert your farm or urban back yard into a powerful food producing system.

* Home butchering and seed saving techniques.

* How to manage water sources and water quality.

* The best ways to house and protect livestock from predators.

* Everything you need to know about starting an incredible garden.

* The importance of rain-water collection and harvesting systems.

* How to create catfish ponds.

* The best crops to grow.

* How to use location and micro-climates to your best advantage.

... and a wealth of additional information.

Click here for instant access to the full program, where you can watch the video and download all the documents. (It's truly a wealth of information.)

Do you want a pure, healthy, reliable food supply?

If you're like most people in the US, you spend thousands of dollars each year on groceries. And, let's face it -- the quality and cleanliness of that store-bought food is often questionable at best. (Hormones, additives, chemical preservatives, contaminants and more...)

Studies have shown that the nutritional content of the conventional food supply has been dropping for decades, and yet even while food quality is going downhill, the cost of food has been skyrocketing! In light of the recent rumblings in the global debt fiasco and the Fed's continued printing of new money, many experts are now predicting hyperinflation followed by an eventual currency collapse, which would make buying food nearly impossible. The idea of growing at least a portion of your own food provides insulation and protection in uncertain times.

The tried and true methods, systems and techniques provided by Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm will guide you through everything you need to know to turn your backyard into an incredible food-producing machine. You will be able to provide everything you and your family need by creating your own small self-sustaining backyard homestead, saving yourself enormous amounts of money while giving your family the most wholesome and nutritious food available anywhere!

This easy-to-learn, self-supporting food production model is based on a compilation of knowledge gained over years of practical application and research. In other words,Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm allows you to learn a lifetime of independent food production wisdom in just a few hours.

Click here to watch the preview and purchase instant access to the full program.

This is a serious education for serious times, folks. We're already beginning to see the rumblings of the coming global economic tidal wave. The global debt scheme simply cannot last and will soon fall like a house of cards. Those who are prepared with a plan of self sufficiency will be the best positioned to make it through the challenges that lay ahead. I urge you to stay informed, get prepared, and face the reality of what's coming with confidence, not fear.

Confidence comes from knowing how to feed yourself, how to protect your assets, how to defend your property and your freedoms... and that's why these are precisely the things we teach here at

Stay safe!

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


Aug. 10, 2011