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Frank Whalen

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Amid the chaotic weather systems thus far in 2011, the federal government has twisted and exacerbated a natural catastrophe to victimize

American farming families, while subsequently staging a land grab to further the UN’s Agenda 21 protocols, all at once.


Despite record amounts of snowfall this past winter, the snowpack was measured and melted predictably. Yet the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers claimed to be surprised by themelt-water amounts. As a result, they planned to detonate the Birds Point levee in Missouri to prevent runoff water from devastating the town of Cairo, Ill. Bizarrely, the feds thought it more intelligent to flood 130,000 acres of rural farmland, and thus a necessary part of the food supply, than to affect an urban zone of 2,800 people, one-third of whom already live below the poverty level.


Detonated levees might bring the Ninth Ward of New Orleans to mind, and one might suspect the federal government was attempting to avoid another accusation of racism, classism and inaction. However, commodities broker Ann Barnhardt has revealed another possible scheme at work.


She wrote on her website: “A Missouri farming and ranching contact just got off a conference call wherein he was informed that the federal government is sending out letters to all of the flooded farmers in the Missouri River flood plain notifying them that the Army Corps of Engineers will offer to buy their land.”


The Kansas City Star supports this claim, reporting that 17 Missouri families received a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers “offering to buy private land along the Missouri River for a wildlife conservation project. The letter was dated June 6, when floodwaters were beginning to rise.”


Later in the article, it was noted that “Karl Mueller, chief of civil works for the Army Corps’ Kansas City office, said the agency was not taking advantage of the flooding to buy farmland” and that the letters were a case of “unfortunate timing.”

When asked if the government would be compensating them for losses, Ms. Barnhardt told this reporter: “Of course not. The feds are calling it an act of God.” Ms. Barnhardt also makes the stunning connection of George

Soros and a company he is investing in called Ospraie Capital Management. It seems Ospraie is also buying farmland, and Soros’s investments have netted him control of “the third-largest grain company in the U.S., with 280 million bushels of storage capacity.”


The liberal Center for American Progress receives large donations from Soros. Plus, its former executive vice president for policy, Melody Barnes, was recently named to the White House Rural Council.


According to a popular news website, The Blaze, this council “makes recommendations to the president on streamlining and leveraging federal investments in rural areas to increase the impact of federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America.” The group’s staffers also “coordinate federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas” which, The Blaze states, “sounds very similar to the language found in the UN plan for sustainable cities known as Agenda 21.”


Ms. Barnhardt says, “This is about driving everything toward a Marxist utopia. They are attempting to control the food supply and are seeking to make private agricultural banking virtually impossible by forcing all agricultural lending through the USDA and the government.”


Frank Whalen has been a radio talk show host for the past 17 years, and worked as a consultant for Maxim magazine. For more news and views from Frank, see

July 27, 2011